Off to see my 93 year old grandmother today. taking her fresh cherry tomatoes from my garden and a nice plant from the local garden centre. She was the inspiration for the tat on my right forearm. Love her to death.
Today is day three of my new weight loss program. First two days were pretty tough, hopefully it will get easier as we go. Have to stick with it and get this weight off.
Had a great Canada Day hanging around with my girl. Nice nature walk and some cuddling on the sofa.
Happy belated Canada Day! Nothing like nature and cuddles... 

It was sweet, thanks
A lazy Sunday morning, cloudy and cool. After breakfast we are going to the farm to get fresh strawberries. They are the best. The rest of the day is free right know.
applied for a couple of jobs this morning after my workout. Left knee is very sore. played poker and won today. going out for bbq for supper.
good luck with the jobs youhave applied
I have not been unemployed in 20 years and it is starting to get to me. Your kind words help, thank you.
Off to the gym this morning, then a seminar on finding a job on line. Sick and tired of this sitting at home. Need to get back to work of any kind. Getting laid off sucked huge.
Sometimes, just making yourself get out there and do something - anything - is all you need. 

How right you are Arroia.