So I got my armor. My next purchase will be the scutum.
Without the legio IX Hispania insignia on it. Im getting there.
So I pulled out my old Smashing Pumpkins CD's. Oh the memories.
Ive been playing some Rise of Nations lately. Im waiting for the Europa Barbarorum mod to finish for Rome Total War. RoN is fun. Its like a combination of Age of Empires and Civilization. Its actually just like Civilization without the horrendously crappy military aspect of Civ. Civ would own if it had a better combat system. Also got back into Battlefield 2. Yea, its still really annoying sometimes. Especially the .50 sniper rifle. Seriously, you shouldnt survive a good shot from one of those but no, it takes 2 or 3 shots to drop someone. Then they call in arty and blow you up and then your teams calls in arty when you respaw therefor teamkilling you.
Anyways, I like oatmeal. The PS3 comes out soon. Im totally not getting one. Last time I got the PS2 when it came out, it wouldnt play DVD's or some games because of some faulty drive. I love the Playstation, but Im gonna give it some time.
Im going to Alaska in the summer of 07. My cousins live up there and were gonna play mad paintball. Im gonna try to bring my dirtbike up or rent one. They have quads but I want to show them a real off road vehicle.
Ok, bed time.

So I pulled out my old Smashing Pumpkins CD's. Oh the memories.
Ive been playing some Rise of Nations lately. Im waiting for the Europa Barbarorum mod to finish for Rome Total War. RoN is fun. Its like a combination of Age of Empires and Civilization. Its actually just like Civilization without the horrendously crappy military aspect of Civ. Civ would own if it had a better combat system. Also got back into Battlefield 2. Yea, its still really annoying sometimes. Especially the .50 sniper rifle. Seriously, you shouldnt survive a good shot from one of those but no, it takes 2 or 3 shots to drop someone. Then they call in arty and blow you up and then your teams calls in arty when you respaw therefor teamkilling you.
Anyways, I like oatmeal. The PS3 comes out soon. Im totally not getting one. Last time I got the PS2 when it came out, it wouldnt play DVD's or some games because of some faulty drive. I love the Playstation, but Im gonna give it some time.
Im going to Alaska in the summer of 07. My cousins live up there and were gonna play mad paintball. Im gonna try to bring my dirtbike up or rent one. They have quads but I want to show them a real off road vehicle.
Ok, bed time.
Aint no shoplifting going down in Best Buy, they're mad strict on that shit. They got some guy giving me the checkdown everytime I leave the store.