I will be perforimg tommorow night at a hafla at the future of tradition. More info can be found here. I will be dancing with the Munriah Dancers and WS for that event. With WS we will be doing our Cracker Wars piece. My name is Honeygram. It is a really great choreo on which we have worked extremely hard and will be well worth the ten bucks you must pay to get in. There will be many other fabulous bellydancers there too, but, you know you actually only care to see me
In other news, I have been so busy that I have really been making myself quite dismal. I am really surprised that I have not mutated into a crazy stress monster.
At the beggining of my spring break, before I went insane, I had wonderful time meeting the very talentedGwydionsPen.
And in even other news, also over spring break, as the insaniety was beggining to set in, I told my mom about SG. Now, this was actually a very big deal for me, becuase, I would someday maybe hopefully like to model on the website, and as I am sure that she would find out eventually, I wanted to tell my mom, rather than have her hear it from someone else, or stumble upon naked pics of her dear daughter online.
Also, I love this website so much, and I was hoping, my mom might like it too. She is, after all, a photographer.
So, I brought up the topic by showing her the DVD, which she only watched the beggining of because then Adam came over and I guess she didn't want to watch it in his presence
but....she actually seemed interested! I was so happy. Of course I didn't mention anything about my potentially being on the website someday, but this way I think it would be easier to break that to her. Step by step.
My mom is actually a rather liberal person. But sometimes her strict Catholic upbringring causes her to have conservative first reactions to things.
My dad on the other hand...well...I am just going to delay his knowledge of any of this for as long as humanly possible
He thinks that bellydancing at Hooka bars is scandelous.
But I love my daddy nonetheless. He is going to score my next short
Now you have it. The performance/insanity/family update.
Take Care,

In other news, I have been so busy that I have really been making myself quite dismal. I am really surprised that I have not mutated into a crazy stress monster.
At the beggining of my spring break, before I went insane, I had wonderful time meeting the very talentedGwydionsPen.
And in even other news, also over spring break, as the insaniety was beggining to set in, I told my mom about SG. Now, this was actually a very big deal for me, becuase, I would someday maybe hopefully like to model on the website, and as I am sure that she would find out eventually, I wanted to tell my mom, rather than have her hear it from someone else, or stumble upon naked pics of her dear daughter online.
Also, I love this website so much, and I was hoping, my mom might like it too. She is, after all, a photographer.
So, I brought up the topic by showing her the DVD, which she only watched the beggining of because then Adam came over and I guess she didn't want to watch it in his presence

My mom is actually a rather liberal person. But sometimes her strict Catholic upbringring causes her to have conservative first reactions to things.
My dad on the other hand...well...I am just going to delay his knowledge of any of this for as long as humanly possible

He thinks that bellydancing at Hooka bars is scandelous.
But I love my daddy nonetheless. He is going to score my next short

Now you have it. The performance/insanity/family update.
Take Care,