hmm hmm hmm. I am just waisting time to avoid writing a much dreaded research paper. I am also waiting for Jared to call me and to tell me I have to go pick him up from work.
I am thinking of getting my nose pierced
maybe for Christmas
I did not do much exciting over fall break becuase I had so much homework. I talked to Alli on the phone who just had a fall break too, and she had all these crazy stories to tell me about going out and having all this fun...ah....if only I had chosen to stick to a community college....but oh well.
Heather says she is moving in with Byron in Febuary. I guess it won't make that much of a difference since she is hardly ever here anyways. Her moving over here readdy did very little as far as giving me someone to hang out with.
But I am making more friends this year than last year.
Alli got a job dancing at a new place on Franklin St., which is wonderful, I just wish I could dance somewhere around here. It is just too easy to be thrown into the catagory of 'student' and I don't always feel that way.
I am just so behind on everything it seems. I know I do too much.
I wish I had a better camera. I don't know if I want to ask for a better one for Christmas becuase my dad just got me the one I have last year
I am thinking of getting my nose pierced

I did not do much exciting over fall break becuase I had so much homework. I talked to Alli on the phone who just had a fall break too, and she had all these crazy stories to tell me about going out and having all this fun...ah....if only I had chosen to stick to a community college....but oh well.
Heather says she is moving in with Byron in Febuary. I guess it won't make that much of a difference since she is hardly ever here anyways. Her moving over here readdy did very little as far as giving me someone to hang out with.
But I am making more friends this year than last year.
Alli got a job dancing at a new place on Franklin St., which is wonderful, I just wish I could dance somewhere around here. It is just too easy to be thrown into the catagory of 'student' and I don't always feel that way.
I am just so behind on everything it seems. I know I do too much.

I wish I had a better camera. I don't know if I want to ask for a better one for Christmas becuase my dad just got me the one I have last year