How many people here read comic books/graphic novels, either on a regular basis or casually?
If you don't read them, is there a reason why not? ("no reason" is an acceptable answer, btw)
If you don't read them, is there a reason why not? ("no reason" is an acceptable answer, btw)
I read a bunch. I write some too. I've enjoyed alot of your work and am looking forward to local and DMZ.....
I enjoy reading comics a whole lot. I have a bunch of comic tattoos spanning from Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side to Grrl Scouts and Sin City. I picked up DMZ last wednesday, and was disappointed when my buddy Drew let me know that you had been in the shop on sunday, and I had missed it. I really enjoyed DMZ, but I was wondering if it had a predecessor. Maybe I'm just not too quick but the first issue seemed to kind of heave me right into the thick of things, without expaination as to why things were as they were. Was this purposely left up to the readers imagination, or will it be covered in future issues? Sorry, I know this is really long, so I'll stop pestering you. Keep up the good work!