I've decided in the thick heat smothering every square inch of my room that its time to clean things up. My entire household has been a mess for some time discouraging anyone to visit. This makes sense seeing that I can't even make home for myself. I sat idle for too long allowing for too many ideas and stories race by my mindscape with out...
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(As I commonly do with blog space, using it as practice for philosophy and story, I wrote this story on the spot without going back for any correction. I realize that half way through I change tense, but oh well. There was even a point where I began to change POV. Amature.)
Davey passed through the beads hung over the door way just under the...
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Davey passed through the beads hung over the door way just under the...
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My glamor shots.
Late night I came to love my boots and my super skinny bod (which if you knew me would realize that self-affirmation is obscure for me). I've recently been gal hunting, god help us all. But to return to the boots, at first I was off put by them given that they're 6" platforms, but after a late night fun photo session with Goofy, I...
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you're aliiiiiive
"I exist, it's sweet, so sweet, so slow..."
thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.

Random pics of the bug that is me.
My Room In Fortified Spook Mode
You're a sweet pie