For WHATEVER unGodly reason, once I logged off to take a quick break from our stream tonight, when I came back to restart my stream, every single time I tried to launch the chat it kept automatically shutting me down. I have no idea what's wrong, if it's a site error, or if they're purposely blocking me from streaming right now, but I am SO sorry. I really was looking forward to hopping back on and chatting with all of my fellow night owls/morning birds. I really hope that SG will get to the root of the problem so I can make these streams a more regular thing for you guys
BUT I plan on live streaming A LOT more, especially since my first official stream on here was SUCH a delight because of you! I had so many generous, lovely, fun babes tip me and I can't describe how much it means to me. That is the kind of support that makes me want to keep getting on here to hang with you guys and get sexy! So HUGE THANK YOU again to everyone who sent tips during my first stream. I apologize I didn't get to continue with our chill session tonight due to SG's God awful technology preventing me from launching my stream/chat.
Anyways, I look forward to seeing all of my babies in my chat again tomorrow!
I don't have an exact time/schedule for streams, I appear quite randomly, so just keep an eye out for me loves!
Talk to you soon babes. xx