well lets see. i love coco wheats. i throw a party at my house this weekend. good times. schools out in a month. talking to ex boyfriens is interesting, but not really in a good way. um yeah
wow. i got new hair. its weird. my hair has been black and white for almost a year. crazy! also i may be becoming ast. manger at my store. i won't have a life till this semester is out, but i would love to have money. i would love to have a new car. i would love to have money to go to make up... Read More
I take it the profile pic sums up your hairstyle until now. WHat did you do to it?
THanks for the friend req. acceptance. Certainly appreciate it, due to the shutdowns yesterday. I don't understand what the big deal is. Oh well, maybe I don't need that many pals anyway. What's the difference in the long run anyway?
What are you studying in school?
YOu must have records, as I don't know too many people, especially your age, who lis ten to Chron Gen and Battalion of Saints. I've got a great compilation in my recs. with them, CH3, fartz, and a few others. Do you have the same one?
Anyway, love most of your fav. bands-- 17 years of Hell... last rockers... good taste.
I would love to have a new car too and I would love to have lots of money and Im always on campus working on a project so my life is all work this week.
i got spring break this week and there is snow on the ground outside. my b/f and i are doing AWsoME! i think i refeel in love with him everyday in the past week.i got bonused an extra 100 dollars on my paycheck. my hair seems to be finally growing. rearranged my room around. weird. but i makes me happy. ... my grandpa is in... Read More
thats because you dont get on here more and make friends
I got bored of all the naked girls along time ago but I have never fond so many cool people to talk to on any site, I thank im kind of addicted to it I get on here at lest 4 or 5 times a day and the more I get on here the more I get addicted its kind of like crake yes I would say that SG might be more addictive than crack.
i'm to the point where like everything is just so dissapointing to me and makes me sick. i'm happy and all. just sick of everything and just it is hard to come to realization that everything isn't as perfect as it seemed liek it did. People don't act the same way they used to. maybe its that i have changed as a person and i... Read More