today ruled... i was woken up by ex grilfriend mary on the phone. we had made plans at the begining of the week at her birthday party to sneek into movies. while i was getting ready to go she found this "golden flowers" firework box. we joked about it being called golden showers. troy was in the bathroom and we told him to quit pooping and watch the golden shower. like two mischievious little kids we went outside to light the thing off. the stupid thing lit some grass clippings on fire i kicked more on top of that to smother it but it just made it worse obviously. then mary ran to get the hose and it got stuck on the air conditioner and it allmost jerked her right onto her ass like a dog on a short chain. we were laughing so hard as she gave the golden shower a golden shower with her fake penis hose. after that we were about to leave and mary found my mom's panties in the living room so she chased me with them and put them on my shoulder so i took them and put them on troys head in his room... haha...
then we went to the theater and walked past the ticket counter to the arcade part of the theater and waited for the usher guys to stop taking ticket and stop paying attension. when we noticed he was flirting with the concession stand girls we made our move. mary acted like she had to go to the bathroom and i went with, when she got out we walked right into the movie we wanted see right on time... the devil rejects for free i need to gate crash more often.
after the movie we came back to my house and looked at my stencils. she is borrowing them cause she is doing a skillshare at her unitarian universalist convention about stenciling... i let her borrow all my stencils...
after her and troy left i did some of troys laundry left from when he moved in. it was interesting watching how gross the water became, it was black. the things that floated to the top was pretty interesting too, cigarette pack celophanes, dead bees and a cigarette butt.
troy was supossed to have an easy night at work and get off early but the proofer at his work started smoking thick smoke. well so much for having an easy night the kicker is he was filling in for our buddy jesse who is supossedly sick. if i were to geuss troy's most reoccuring movie quote tonight i'd bet it's "I'm not even supossed to be here today" -clerks
i got the i object show pretty well set it'll be i object, positive reinforcment (boston), people again(maybe). aug. 20th
aug 27th i got a show with S.F. , a warm gun (baltimore) and S.F.N. that show will kick ass too...
then we went to the theater and walked past the ticket counter to the arcade part of the theater and waited for the usher guys to stop taking ticket and stop paying attension. when we noticed he was flirting with the concession stand girls we made our move. mary acted like she had to go to the bathroom and i went with, when she got out we walked right into the movie we wanted see right on time... the devil rejects for free i need to gate crash more often.

after the movie we came back to my house and looked at my stencils. she is borrowing them cause she is doing a skillshare at her unitarian universalist convention about stenciling... i let her borrow all my stencils...
after her and troy left i did some of troys laundry left from when he moved in. it was interesting watching how gross the water became, it was black. the things that floated to the top was pretty interesting too, cigarette pack celophanes, dead bees and a cigarette butt.
troy was supossed to have an easy night at work and get off early but the proofer at his work started smoking thick smoke. well so much for having an easy night the kicker is he was filling in for our buddy jesse who is supossedly sick. if i were to geuss troy's most reoccuring movie quote tonight i'd bet it's "I'm not even supossed to be here today" -clerks
i got the i object show pretty well set it'll be i object, positive reinforcment (boston), people again(maybe). aug. 20th
aug 27th i got a show with S.F. , a warm gun (baltimore) and S.F.N. that show will kick ass too...
someone who gets the reference.