my neice was being raped by her step brother which sucks for my sister cause if the douchebag ex husband finds out he'd totally use it against her to gain custody of the kids... jeez its hard enough to deal with tradegy without having to have repercusions for telling the police... basically if my niece does anything about it my sister could lose custody cause the ex is a fucking whiny asshole... and the stepson needs some serious fucking help. hopefully they deal with his ass.
i'm fucking tired of sexual based attacks on people. i seriously don't think i could name a girl i know who hasn't been messed with.
frickin... meh... i don't wanna look for jobs really... but how the shit am i going to move and do cool shit otherwise? i saw a shooting star the other night and made a wish... then i saw the northern lights when i got home i'll take that as a good omen...
in other news i feel like quiting life.... tomorrow i need to get motivated for real this time...

i'm fucking tired of sexual based attacks on people. i seriously don't think i could name a girl i know who hasn't been messed with.
frickin... meh... i don't wanna look for jobs really... but how the shit am i going to move and do cool shit otherwise? i saw a shooting star the other night and made a wish... then i saw the northern lights when i got home i'll take that as a good omen...

in other news i feel like quiting life.... tomorrow i need to get motivated for real this time...
i dunno about pointless fest.. cuz i love tony and shawn and all my buddies.. but its sooooo crazy during that week..that i fel like i cant hang out with my friends anyway.. theyre all busy settign shit up and all that.. so i dunno. plus its kidna too much crust in a row for me haha.. but i dunno...
maybe ill go. Last year there was crazy fucking drama.. where some dude raped two girls.. and the philly punk ladies beat the living shit out of him.. bad. I have to say, awesome for them.. but at the same time.. i g uess everyone jsut kinda stood around watching.. and thats not cool. Phillys wierd.. like kids are awesome.. but too many punks are looking for a fight..
Man.. if your niece got sexually abused.. i think the first thing thats supposed to be doen (for her mental stability) is get her away from the person who did it. for good. So... that means that either she or the step brother HAS to go.. or else shell have some fucked up things in her head for a long time...
Im not saying that her real dad is awesome.. but at the same time.. Her welfare is what matters and even if her moms the best mom ever.. she cant be left in a situation where she has to face that step brother daily..
and on top of that... its wierd that he was behavign that way.. ebcause thats a sign he was in a sexually abused situation.... ??