meh... i feel like updating... i don't have much going on but it's enough to stress me out... tomorrow is a show i confirmed a long time ago that sorta creeped up on me while i was focused on the groovie ghoulies show... so i only got one local band on the bill and there is two touring bands so i hope it's a decent turn out but i'm feeling rather pessimistic...
the show is the popsters from italy (no shit, italy), even in blackouts (jughead from screeching weasel and some girl doing acoustic stuff) and the social classics. i also have a show on the 24th with I Object, WarTorn, S.F.N., Dolemite, T.B.A.
it seems like every once in a while things just go perfectly and other times the world is just dragging me along kicking and screaming... i'm going to have to settle somewhere sometime... i'm never going to be happy working for someone else, so that leaves me with being self employed... which takes alot of focus and a love for what your doing... not a whole lot i can narrow down on that front. my focus has gone to shit sometimes i wonder if it was ever there to begin with... i wanna do another/finish my fanzine/write a book, i wanna write some songs, i wanna draw up a portfolio for a tattoo apprenticeship, i wanna ride bike across the states, i wanna learn how to fix bikes, i wanna spraypaint stencils everywhere, i wanna fly kites, i wanna finish sewing my shoes, i want/don't want a job, i wanna organise critical mass for appleton, i wanna fuck someone worth fucking, i wanna move away, i want my own house with a big basement for shows, i want to own a record store, i wanna eat good vegan food all the time, i want there to be more dance parties so i can show everyone completely rediculous i am, i want to explore abandon buildings, i want to travel, i want to do it all in a short amount of time... thus i get completely spread thin and forget to do anything...
today i got up, went to troys took him to get his check and cash it. then we went back to his place to have more bbq pizza just like the day before. took the bikes we curb scored to the gas station tofil up the flat tires which turned out to be fine once inflated again. i claim the boy bike frame so i can rework it into a it into a poor mans track bike. then after that we went and watched "the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy" which was good... then we went back to troys and wisconsin flu deth had band practice while i watched "paycheck" then we went to the coffee shop for a little bit before troy had to work... i should break my tv so i can focus.
stay posi, go vegan!
boba fett is straight edge...
the show is the popsters from italy (no shit, italy), even in blackouts (jughead from screeching weasel and some girl doing acoustic stuff) and the social classics. i also have a show on the 24th with I Object, WarTorn, S.F.N., Dolemite, T.B.A.
it seems like every once in a while things just go perfectly and other times the world is just dragging me along kicking and screaming... i'm going to have to settle somewhere sometime... i'm never going to be happy working for someone else, so that leaves me with being self employed... which takes alot of focus and a love for what your doing... not a whole lot i can narrow down on that front. my focus has gone to shit sometimes i wonder if it was ever there to begin with... i wanna do another/finish my fanzine/write a book, i wanna write some songs, i wanna draw up a portfolio for a tattoo apprenticeship, i wanna ride bike across the states, i wanna learn how to fix bikes, i wanna spraypaint stencils everywhere, i wanna fly kites, i wanna finish sewing my shoes, i want/don't want a job, i wanna organise critical mass for appleton, i wanna fuck someone worth fucking, i wanna move away, i want my own house with a big basement for shows, i want to own a record store, i wanna eat good vegan food all the time, i want there to be more dance parties so i can show everyone completely rediculous i am, i want to explore abandon buildings, i want to travel, i want to do it all in a short amount of time... thus i get completely spread thin and forget to do anything...
today i got up, went to troys took him to get his check and cash it. then we went back to his place to have more bbq pizza just like the day before. took the bikes we curb scored to the gas station tofil up the flat tires which turned out to be fine once inflated again. i claim the boy bike frame so i can rework it into a it into a poor mans track bike. then after that we went and watched "the hitchhickers guide to the galaxy" which was good... then we went back to troys and wisconsin flu deth had band practice while i watched "paycheck" then we went to the coffee shop for a little bit before troy had to work... i should break my tv so i can focus.

stay posi, go vegan!
boba fett is straight edge...
if you need a change - consider it. it was the first thing i thought of reading this entry.
come visit
[Edited on May 13, 2005 2:38PM]