today was a productive day... i finally got my taxes done. i got my oil changed... it was fucking 76 degrees today which for wisconsin at this time of year is like saying fuck spring were going right to summer... so i drove with the windows down sun roof open all the way and blared kid dynamite as loud as i wanted... troy made sour kraut soup with gnocci as substitute potato dumplings it was like the most german thing ever... minus the meat... we watched "to wong foo" which is awesome. nothing like seeing patrick swayze and wesley snipes as drag queens. john leguizamo is in it too but he is less a stretch of charactor for me... maybe it's cause he's a better actor... best part the day was when rachel came over to troys was singing these terrible cock rock ballads and someone mentioned "ac/dc" troy and i burst out into thunderstruck which i unashamedly know most of the lyrics to... then later as we get too the coffee shop "hot for teacher" by "vanhalen" was on and kelly, troy and i belted out the lyrics to that... and just before we left the coffee shop to take troy to work "iron maiden's" "run to the hills" comes on. it doesn't get much better than that... we were rockin like "dokken" for sure...
yesterday i got a promo pack from the groovie ghoulies which was sweet. even though i had flyers already printed the full color ones were snazzy too so i put up both all over the area. we stopped in neenah at a coffee house. nate was working. someone put one of my flyers up before me i thought, awesome! so i just put up the full color one above it.
after that troy and nate and amy and i stepped outside for them to smoke. it was wicked nice yesterday too. while they were smoking nate retold us this awesome story about this regular customer she had told a few days prior. apparently this older lady told them about how she went to this birthday party at chucky cheese. while this lady was there she had to poop... well as she was pooping she stood up to do the courtesy flush cause there was too much poop. well as she stood up she accidentally let out a little poop and it fell in her purse... it was diarreah... so amy who was there when the lady was telling the story asks "well, what did you do?" the lady cleaned out her purse and scrubbed everything... the lady feeling suddenly embarassed said "don't worry this this is a diffrent purse. i got rid of the poop purse". which so far is the funniest story i've heard this year...
p.s. nate comemorated the story on the sidewalk with chalk there is a picture of a purse with poop in it....

yesterday i got a promo pack from the groovie ghoulies which was sweet. even though i had flyers already printed the full color ones were snazzy too so i put up both all over the area. we stopped in neenah at a coffee house. nate was working. someone put one of my flyers up before me i thought, awesome! so i just put up the full color one above it.
after that troy and nate and amy and i stepped outside for them to smoke. it was wicked nice yesterday too. while they were smoking nate retold us this awesome story about this regular customer she had told a few days prior. apparently this older lady told them about how she went to this birthday party at chucky cheese. while this lady was there she had to poop... well as she was pooping she stood up to do the courtesy flush cause there was too much poop. well as she stood up she accidentally let out a little poop and it fell in her purse... it was diarreah... so amy who was there when the lady was telling the story asks "well, what did you do?" the lady cleaned out her purse and scrubbed everything... the lady feeling suddenly embarassed said "don't worry this this is a diffrent purse. i got rid of the poop purse". which so far is the funniest story i've heard this year...

p.s. nate comemorated the story on the sidewalk with chalk there is a picture of a purse with poop in it....

I wish you had a picture of the chalk re-creation, that would be sweet!