so friday i was woke up by troy to go get indian food MMmm. i had a bit of a cough... i got to troys parked in the driveway turned off my car and went inside told him to get ready cause i was hungry we got in my car and it wouldn't even turnover the battery light had been on and off for a few days but i figured i'd be ok till tomorrow when i take it in to mel's work to get it looked at... well i took the battery out and walked down to the battery store thankfully troy lives two blocks away from one... the battery was dead... i got a new one for 60$. yay we got some frickin indian food after all... but my battery light is still on so that probly means my alternator is shot too, fuck... we saw sam and todd at the indian resturant todd told troy his band didn't make it on to the comp cd for our buddy who passed away but he still wanted them to play the cd release show...what a fricking bitch slap. anyway once i got back to troy's i started getting lightheaded and chills racing up and down my back... so i called raechel and mel and told them that i wasn't going to go to the show in madison. troy bought the first two seasons of kids in the hall dvds i sat and watched as long as i could but finnally i felt too delirious to stick around so i drove home. i got some movies from the video store. i watched meet joe black i gotta say it a great movie to watching when you feel like your dying... after that was done i went upstairs and took an hour long bath in scalding hot water... thought about dying some more like what if fell asleep in the tub and drown. i meditated tried to relax away the tension headache... i went back downstairs and passed out to legend...
yesterday i got up about 1:00 sat around then i decided to build a fire i sat in front of the fire in the recliner with my feet by the fire. mel and kelsey called and asked if i was going to the show but declined again. i sat transfixed by the flames till like 8:00. then i made some spaghetti with tofu and lots of garlic yum. i read a little of burn collector #13 then i took another long bath and went to bed.
today i sat around watching comedy central. i finnished the burn collecter zine...
yesterday i got up about 1:00 sat around then i decided to build a fire i sat in front of the fire in the recliner with my feet by the fire. mel and kelsey called and asked if i was going to the show but declined again. i sat transfixed by the flames till like 8:00. then i made some spaghetti with tofu and lots of garlic yum. i read a little of burn collector #13 then i took another long bath and went to bed.
today i sat around watching comedy central. i finnished the burn collecter zine...
i said it before, and i'll say it again: nerd-tastic. you should totally check the series out. each book stands alone, but if you start from the beginning - the end will rock your world. if $'s tight, find a good comic's store that leaves people alone to read & start there. OMFG, i am such a geek.

have you ever played conker's bad fur day? best game ever.