so yesterday was quite eventful... i when to troy to eat brunch but he was busy practicing for the show so i ate our gnocci left overs and watched the toy dolls on dvd. after the admiral finished practicing we loaded up his equipment in the car... then we went to the first show which was a pop punk show it was alright but the bands i wanted to see i couldn't stay for cause i had to take troy to his show. oh well i was anxious to get out of there and to the hardcore show. we were running late and troy wanted to stop for a soda. i'm like dude were allready late... once again i have to be voice of reason... the show was fun dolemite kicked it off with dual gremlin attacks... yay then my favorite band of the night hit stage... imagine four fiffteen year olds playing the most tight and catchy thrash songs ever well they're called "skull fucking nuns" or S.F.N. for short. during their last song i grabbed graem by the waist and body passed him while he was still singing... it was awesome...then came "choose your poison" and "words that burn" they were fun as per usual. "weaving the deathbag" came next and it was fun the kids went nuts more body passing ensued. zach told me to get ciara so i grabbed her and passed her over my head too... i got so beat up from stage diving and having my shins rammed into the tiny stage... i ass was grabbed several times by several different friends...
after "weaving the deathbag" came "high on crime" they're so heavy. it's hard to hear their fast parts cause the guitars are louder than the drums and the guitars are halftime so people are confused as to what speed to dance to... still really good though...
after the show we went to the all night diner and ate food it was marred by the fact that rachels ex was there he left as we were arriving but it still cast a shadow over the rest of the evening... bah. we were all supposed to hang out to day but everyone was lazy today and sore as hell. i went over to troys ate burritos and vegan oreos and watched dawn of the dead and this other movie about meth heads called spun... my favorite part is when mena suvari and john leguizamo are gonna hump but she decides she needs to take a shit and it shows her grunting one out, meanwhile he doesn't want to wait so he calls a phone sex line and beats it into a sock while she shits then after she is done she goes to hump him but he's on the phone with the door locked and the door bell rings and this other meth head is at the door she decide to hump him instead. its crazy...
meh... now i'm home... bored... bah...

after the show we went to the all night diner and ate food it was marred by the fact that rachels ex was there he left as we were arriving but it still cast a shadow over the rest of the evening... bah. we were all supposed to hang out to day but everyone was lazy today and sore as hell. i went over to troys ate burritos and vegan oreos and watched dawn of the dead and this other movie about meth heads called spun... my favorite part is when mena suvari and john leguizamo are gonna hump but she decides she needs to take a shit and it shows her grunting one out, meanwhile he doesn't want to wait so he calls a phone sex line and beats it into a sock while she shits then after she is done she goes to hump him but he's on the phone with the door locked and the door bell rings and this other meth head is at the door she decide to hump him instead. its crazy...
meh... now i'm home... bored... bah...

if i knew how to use photoshop, i would do something creative with that thought. But I don't.