meh... frickin valentinesday and it's frickin snowing
yesterday me and the boys practiced we didn't get much done we put a little of the song structure together but i felt really unproductive... nothing seemed to be working for me.
so we listened to my new gehenna record and some S.O.D. we listen to a swiz 7" and a manuerysm 7" i talked to the about the need for simpler songs considering that we don't get to practice much it'd be nice to have easily remembered songs... i mentioned how S.O.D. songs are pretty simple but everyone likes it... after they left i checked my online stuff... while we were practicing rachel left a note asking to hang out. when i called she was leaving troy's with troy to go to the coffee house. it was late enough that going downtown would mean coming back shortly so i opted out and tried to make plans for today i talked and felt like i was not getting anywhere even though i knew what i was trying to say... and everything is fine but i felt like i was missing out on saying something intangible...weird. she just wanted to stop talking on the phone and drive so i let her go... i hope she comes over today...
if she doesn't i'm gonna toss one off to reagan's new set that girl is so hot... ha ha...
so i polished my cymbols ooh theyre so clean... then i when over to troy's and rachel was allready there cause it took forever to clean those cymbols... we when and got some food... then went to the mall to harass our budies that work there and to look at shitty prom dresses... ooh there was one that look like a tucan sam wet drem it was like a rainbow tiedye type frilly prom dress easily the ugliest dress ever... troy and i decided it'd be rad to have a punk rock prom/show. then we went back to troys and watched this girlie movie called "peices of april" it was good i garantee you will love to hate april's sister... i cuddled with the girl till she had to go home... then kelsey, toban and the tiny girl came over. kelsey recorded the vocal track for "wisconsin flu deth" it was amusing only hearing kelsey's vocals cause usually they're drownded out by the music...
funniest line she says... "feel like i'm on heroin, i smell like bars, everyone thinks that i have s.a.r.s." the song is called "to liggett to quit" how clever is that? a ciggerette brand mixed with a MC HAMMER song tittle... awesome! it'd be cooler if it was about quiting than loving the addiction... but i geuss it does come off as self loathing...which is part of her gothic roots ha ha... anyway i took troy to work now i'm typing after a little pday celebration
i'm going to go hang out and drink free soda at troy's work and talk about silly shit... later...

yesterday me and the boys practiced we didn't get much done we put a little of the song structure together but i felt really unproductive... nothing seemed to be working for me.
so we listened to my new gehenna record and some S.O.D. we listen to a swiz 7" and a manuerysm 7" i talked to the about the need for simpler songs considering that we don't get to practice much it'd be nice to have easily remembered songs... i mentioned how S.O.D. songs are pretty simple but everyone likes it... after they left i checked my online stuff... while we were practicing rachel left a note asking to hang out. when i called she was leaving troy's with troy to go to the coffee house. it was late enough that going downtown would mean coming back shortly so i opted out and tried to make plans for today i talked and felt like i was not getting anywhere even though i knew what i was trying to say... and everything is fine but i felt like i was missing out on saying something intangible...weird. she just wanted to stop talking on the phone and drive so i let her go... i hope she comes over today...

so i polished my cymbols ooh theyre so clean... then i when over to troy's and rachel was allready there cause it took forever to clean those cymbols... we when and got some food... then went to the mall to harass our budies that work there and to look at shitty prom dresses... ooh there was one that look like a tucan sam wet drem it was like a rainbow tiedye type frilly prom dress easily the ugliest dress ever... troy and i decided it'd be rad to have a punk rock prom/show. then we went back to troys and watched this girlie movie called "peices of april" it was good i garantee you will love to hate april's sister... i cuddled with the girl till she had to go home... then kelsey, toban and the tiny girl came over. kelsey recorded the vocal track for "wisconsin flu deth" it was amusing only hearing kelsey's vocals cause usually they're drownded out by the music...
funniest line she says... "feel like i'm on heroin, i smell like bars, everyone thinks that i have s.a.r.s." the song is called "to liggett to quit" how clever is that? a ciggerette brand mixed with a MC HAMMER song tittle... awesome! it'd be cooler if it was about quiting than loving the addiction... but i geuss it does come off as self loathing...which is part of her gothic roots ha ha... anyway i took troy to work now i'm typing after a little pday celebration

RE: Simple Plan -- that guy's voice is worse than Neil Young's and Bob Dylan's combined. If it wasn't for the nasal whine, I doubt I'd target them as much.