ooh last night was so fun... i went and picked up mel we got thai food... then we went to one of the funnest shows i've been to in a long time... first we sat around waiting for bitty's band "war torn" to load in... i got my hot snakes cd back after about several months i got a minor threat shirt in trade for a cracked cymbol... then i decided to start the fad of actually going down to the basement...
"war torn" was really good faster with better guitar riffage than bitty's other band "words that burn"... then came "quest for fire" who were o.k. the were fastpunk rock with stoner rock breakdowns... it was good but sloppy... then came "disrobe" who were frickin awesome... everybody danced and play fought... i was the punk rock dodge ball head hunter i beamed all my buddies in the head with the dodge ball and managed to only get hit in the face with it once by bitty...
my hat came off several times from the ceiling insulation that was falling down the kids were so riled up they were tearing shit down...sarah grabbed me by the neck and danced till we fell down i landed on something and cut my hand open... it's weeping still... this sxe guy from chicago was picking up people by there waist and swinging them around. it was cool to see zac drunk being copletely sideways being swung around by that guy. we wrestled the dodge ball i pretended like i was pregnant in the pit beating my dodge ball baby...
then when all the bands were done and i didn't think it could be any better these crazy punk rock white kids decided to do hiphop battles... it was fuckin hysterical... some of them had absolutely no flow but what they lacked in talent they made up for in sheer hilarity and harsh disses. some of them were actually pretty good like the singer from disrobe... toban was pretty good too but he gets dissed the most... and sam was pretty good too... we all chanted cyp aint nothin to fuck with for toban and then i added in slooooowwwbin to the mix... actually toban isn't that bad at beat boxing either... it's prolly from all the wu tang clan he listens to...
tom from quest for fire kept saying shit into the mic that was so fricking outlandish people were in stitches the guy kept going until everyone left the room he punctuated his run on sentences with "yo feel the beat" even after the mic was turned off he kept going still talking in the mic and talking to people like he was trying to flow but without rhymes or a beat... he told me about doing acid the night before into the mic and how i prolly think i'm better cause i'm sxe and how he was embarassed cause he won't remember doing all that crazy shit but i will...i laughed... then i left with mel...took her home. came home, drank some oj thought about eating... checked online, stuff put the minorthreat shirt on and then went to bed....

my hat came off several times from the ceiling insulation that was falling down the kids were so riled up they were tearing shit down...sarah grabbed me by the neck and danced till we fell down i landed on something and cut my hand open... it's weeping still... this sxe guy from chicago was picking up people by there waist and swinging them around. it was cool to see zac drunk being copletely sideways being swung around by that guy. we wrestled the dodge ball i pretended like i was pregnant in the pit beating my dodge ball baby...
then when all the bands were done and i didn't think it could be any better these crazy punk rock white kids decided to do hiphop battles... it was fuckin hysterical... some of them had absolutely no flow but what they lacked in talent they made up for in sheer hilarity and harsh disses. some of them were actually pretty good like the singer from disrobe... toban was pretty good too but he gets dissed the most... and sam was pretty good too... we all chanted cyp aint nothin to fuck with for toban and then i added in slooooowwwbin to the mix... actually toban isn't that bad at beat boxing either... it's prolly from all the wu tang clan he listens to...

Listening to Simple Plan actually causes me physical pain. Deep down. In the duodenum. Ow.