well today i didn't get up till noon or so... i answered some emails turned down some friend requests on myspace... my usual morning routine... i didn't eat anything but these vegan double chocolate oreos MMMmmm so good... i talked to raechel on myspace IM abouther stupid ex boyfriend till the boy's showed up to rock out... the rockin out felt really good, mostly cause we fucked around and started new songs... we put together a catchy little pop punk number and a crust song it was fun. i felt like i was on the ball for once and was feeling really creative... then the boys left and and i went over to troy's so he could cook me up some vegan sloppy joes and garlic potatos, yum! we had to go to the grocery store so the 7 of us mobbed the supermarket... it was amusing... we ran into this girl i had only met on myspace there it was cool... we then went back too troys he made food in the kitchen while we sat and shot the shit in the computerroom. when the room was clear except me and ciara i asked about her cutting herself cause i noticed a patch on her back and she mentioned bleeding in the shower... she just said she had a really bad day... that was sort of depressing but at least they were superficial and not too deep... still i feel like i wish i could do more... then troy and i ate... and then i had to take troy to work troy told J-HO that he couldn't stay the night cause his roomate howie was drunk and pissy at troy so J-HO came with and tried to find a place to go but that wasn't working so he came with to my house called some people. he found a place not to far away to crash... then raechel came over to get out of the house... we sat and talked about the craziness that transpired the day before and how J-HO needs to get his shit together while i worked on cleaning up an image on photoshop... we made plans to "watch kung fu" so i'm stoked...

[Edited on Feb 09, 2005 1:37AM]