today i was very annoyed cause my unemployment check didn't come in the mail... i then found out all the dates i had show set for were already booked by the venue thus all my shows got canceled...ugh! oh well i geuss... after that i took a shower cleaned up a little... then i made some bad ass spaghetti i am the wolfgang mother fuckin puck of vegan spaghetti i ate the shit outta that shit...i've spent my time up to now cutting out my stencil... it's so intricate i hope it looks awesome when i'm done... it's prolly 2feet by 3feet it's fricking huge... i got the original art out of this magazine/zine
called "world war 3" the art work is a soldier standing over a city skyline. the soldier has a video camera for head an m16 in hand there are fences with razor wire around the city and surveilance camera's sprouting out of everything... one camera has a nike logo on it. one of the buildings has a mouseketeer hat on. there is a tv screen on top of a building with a dollar sign in it... there is a police helecopter with a searchlight in the beam of light it says "preemption"
it's a very powerful image... my fingers are numb from holding the exacto knife... i wish i had a camera so i could show you all... so now i'm off to drink free soda and talk shit...
ok i'm back that was awesome i sat around being bored off my ass but still amused by the admiral... we talked bout some stuff that was awesome... i ate a whole loaf of bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar... then as payment for driving me home he gave me the fast break record i was bitching about the other day... so troy rules...
called "world war 3" the art work is a soldier standing over a city skyline. the soldier has a video camera for head an m16 in hand there are fences with razor wire around the city and surveilance camera's sprouting out of everything... one camera has a nike logo on it. one of the buildings has a mouseketeer hat on. there is a tv screen on top of a building with a dollar sign in it... there is a police helecopter with a searchlight in the beam of light it says "preemption"
it's a very powerful image... my fingers are numb from holding the exacto knife... i wish i had a camera so i could show you all... so now i'm off to drink free soda and talk shit...

ok i'm back that was awesome i sat around being bored off my ass but still amused by the admiral... we talked bout some stuff that was awesome... i ate a whole loaf of bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar... then as payment for driving me home he gave me the fast break record i was bitching about the other day... so troy rules...

i think religions can be kind of scary.