all in means: i try to find a place in milwaukee with friends...
cut my losses means: i rot in this town for several more years without the girl of my dreams... (and not the bad ones i've been having lately)
speaking of bad dreams (this morning the 12th) i had a dream about a snake can you geuss the meaning...
in the dream i had i was trying to keep a black with red pinstriped snake from being harmed by anyone, this other guy was chasing it and almost stepped on it... we caught up to it and i picked it up. it was green then and not very mean seeming. the girl i'm talking about above and i tried to keep the snake calm. she tried to keep me safe by trying to get it away from me but this agravated the snake and it flattened out like a cobra. at one point i had the whole thing calmly closed in my hand but she pealed open my fingers... it tumbled to the ground between us... and she tried to keep its attension so it wouldn't bite me but i didn't want it to bite her either. so i tried to keep it's attension too eventually it bit me three times in the crotch but only hit the fabric... and that is were i woke up....
basically the snake is a phallic symbol. it warns of being a slave to passion or reppression. but the elements in the dream suggest that i beware of accidents in the weeks to come too... it speaks of treachery too... i'm not sure if this girl is being honest with me 100% but i think she is. i just need to make sure i'm 100% honest with myself.

and you only met her once! you just can't uproot your life like that for someone. that's infatuation talking. weirdo.