man i have had some crazy dreams the past few nights...
last night i dreamt i was a young girl in school i some how found this diary in black crayon and read it to the class. it was about some girl being abused and the teacher freaked out ad said i shouldn't read my diary in class and i'm like "what the fuck this isn't my diary, it isn't even my hand writing!" while standing on top of my desk screaming at the teacher "i'm just trying to help someone..." i'm so disgusted by the teachers indifference to the problem i go to leave but a male teacher blocks the door. i can't remember what was said at this point but i know i had some choice words for this male teacher who at that point for me was an abuser too. he then stabbed me in right shoulder with a pencil and then again in the left breast at this point i took my #2 pencil drove it under his rib cage right into his heart then i woke up... man i love being a riot girl in my dreams... that isn't the fist time i've been a girl in my dreams... i think i've had that dream before actually...
the night before that i had this dream that i was pulling this orange, round, segmented worm out of belly... it somehow burrowed into me without me knowing... it was like two feet long and it snapped in the middle but i mannaged to get it all out.
the night before that i had a similar dream. in my dream my pinky toe fell off and it wasn't bleeding and my toe seemed to look healthy but when i looked at where my toe was attached there was a hole and big white grub crawled out i woke up...
i am wicked freaked at the thought of slimy wormy creatures burrowing into my flesh without me noticing. tape worms and parasites freak me out but in the orange worm one i was totally calm..... man i love nightmares cause it so surreal. what better way to empathise with females than to be one....
-brian xvx
last night i dreamt i was a young girl in school i some how found this diary in black crayon and read it to the class. it was about some girl being abused and the teacher freaked out ad said i shouldn't read my diary in class and i'm like "what the fuck this isn't my diary, it isn't even my hand writing!" while standing on top of my desk screaming at the teacher "i'm just trying to help someone..." i'm so disgusted by the teachers indifference to the problem i go to leave but a male teacher blocks the door. i can't remember what was said at this point but i know i had some choice words for this male teacher who at that point for me was an abuser too. he then stabbed me in right shoulder with a pencil and then again in the left breast at this point i took my #2 pencil drove it under his rib cage right into his heart then i woke up... man i love being a riot girl in my dreams... that isn't the fist time i've been a girl in my dreams... i think i've had that dream before actually...
the night before that i had this dream that i was pulling this orange, round, segmented worm out of belly... it somehow burrowed into me without me knowing... it was like two feet long and it snapped in the middle but i mannaged to get it all out.
the night before that i had a similar dream. in my dream my pinky toe fell off and it wasn't bleeding and my toe seemed to look healthy but when i looked at where my toe was attached there was a hole and big white grub crawled out i woke up...
i am wicked freaked at the thought of slimy wormy creatures burrowing into my flesh without me noticing. tape worms and parasites freak me out but in the orange worm one i was totally calm..... man i love nightmares cause it so surreal. what better way to empathise with females than to be one....

shoot me a call 414-333-7799
dont hesitate to leave a message,we'll hook up next week and fuck some shit up in oshkosh. sorry about not hanging out before, school was kicking my ass.
Had another crazy dream last night...involved have sex with a ghost and going nuts because I kept trying to drip candle wax on it and it keep going straight through to the new sheets....