Quick update, since it's been a while since that last one.
It's been crazy busy for me the past few weeks. I got that job in Kentucky, which is AWESOME!!! This will be my first job in terrestrial radio and I'll be doing exactly what I set out to do.
So...the last couple weeks have been spent packing and trying to find a place to...
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It's been crazy busy for me the past few weeks. I got that job in Kentucky, which is AWESOME!!! This will be my first job in terrestrial radio and I'll be doing exactly what I set out to do.
So...the last couple weeks have been spent packing and trying to find a place to...
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Good luck Brother.
congrats on your kentucky job
Had pretty low-key but nice birthday yesterday. Jenn made me breakfast before we hit the laundromat. After that, it was off to dinner and then the Indians game. We lost to the Yankees which sucks, but it's still so much fun to go to the ballpark. The game was highlighted by some genius fan who decided to feed the seagulls with peanuts in right-center field....
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Happy belated birthday ♥
Made out to my first Indians game of the season last night thanks to my buddyTeeJayZ. We, along with my girlfriend, watched the Indians lose to the Red Sox. Even with the loss, it was still great to get out. Out of all the sporting events I've been to, there's nothing like a baseball game at night. The weather's nice, you're under the...
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Thank you!! ♥
Your and your woman are too cute
Your and your woman are too cute
Hey brother. What are you doing back here?
I hope things are good, I've been meaning to catch up with you for a while.
I hope things are good, I've been meaning to catch up with you for a while.
Aaaaaaand...I'm back.
Remember me? Someone did. I got hooked up with an anonymous gift in the way of a 3 month membership. I have no idea who did it, but I do want to say thank you. I appreciate it. I missed being at this site.
So...a lot has changed for me since the last time I was here. My mom passed at the end...
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Remember me? Someone did. I got hooked up with an anonymous gift in the way of a 3 month membership. I have no idea who did it, but I do want to say thank you. I appreciate it. I missed being at this site.
So...a lot has changed for me since the last time I was here. My mom passed at the end...
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Well, hi there! Glad to see you back among us! Seems like you've weathered a rough road, but things are looking up. Congratulations on the radio gig. You were always destined for that career!
Good to see you here....good to see you there....good to see you everywhere love!

Wow...it's been far too long...
The last month or so has been really rough for me. I'm sorry I haven't really been on and I just kinda dropped off the face of the earth. I appreciate everyone who sent me comments and PM's. I didn't mean to worry anybody.
I know I usually come on and talk about my show and what's up with that....
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The last month or so has been really rough for me. I'm sorry I haven't really been on and I just kinda dropped off the face of the earth. I appreciate everyone who sent me comments and PM's. I didn't mean to worry anybody.
I know I usually come on and talk about my show and what's up with that....
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Hey!! Still worried.... please send me a PM and tell me your doing OK! You don't have to say anything else if you don't want to, I'm just wanting to know you are doing alright.

I wish I was in a position to offer help or support. I am sending lots of good vibes and karma your way. Sometimes it takes a minute to arrive, but be patient - it'll get there. I have close family who have battled cancer too. It's a tough road for everyone involved. My heart goes out to you in every way. Chin up, friend.
Since Jewelz scolded me, here's a new blog...
Actually, nothing new to report. The PROJEKT X Show is still going strong!! In 2 weeks we've had over 4000 hits to our new website, which is definitely a feel good! There's a good buzz about it and we're growing more and more proud of it by the day.
Tonight's show looks to be a good one....
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Actually, nothing new to report. The PROJEKT X Show is still going strong!! In 2 weeks we've had over 4000 hits to our new website, which is definitely a feel good! There's a good buzz about it and we're growing more and more proud of it by the day.
Tonight's show looks to be a good one....
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I MISS YOU!!!!!!! WHERE YA been????
I MISS YOU!!!!!!! WHERE YA been????
Brian. Where are you?
You've changed brother. You used to be cool. Now you just sit at home counting your money and hanging out with your celebrity friends. Ignoring the people who knew you before you were an international superstar. We may not be rockstars but we have feelings man.
^^^ Look at how upset you made Jewelz. She went all shouty and capitalised. I hope that you're proud of yourself.
You've changed brother. You used to be cool. Now you just sit at home counting your money and hanging out with your celebrity friends. Ignoring the people who knew you before you were an international superstar. We may not be rockstars but we have feelings man.
^^^ Look at how upset you made Jewelz. She went all shouty and capitalised. I hope that you're proud of yourself.

So this week is kind of a good news/bad news thing. The bad news is that my show had a bit of a falling out with it's old station, so we are no longer at NRR. It's disappointing but it's for the best, I suppose.
Good news is...well...lots of good news! The new PROJEKT X Show website is up and running. We go live every...
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Good news is...well...lots of good news! The new PROJEKT X Show website is up and running. We go live every...
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I love the red undies with those socks, simply amazing. You're girlfriend obviously has a wonderful sense of humor (and lips!), you definitely got the short end of the stick on this one. Virgins.... pffft.
Okay!! A new blog!! Sorry it took so long, but it's been a crazy week for me.
Here are the important details:
The PROJEKT X show this past Monday was a smash hit. A lot of people emailed us and told us it was our best show yet. We set another new listenership record for the station and we were pretty excited about that!
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Here are the important details:
The PROJEKT X show this past Monday was a smash hit. A lot of people emailed us and told us it was our best show yet. We set another new listenership record for the station and we were pretty excited about that!
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Good to hear from you hon, and I'm glad that everything is working out for you 

Hey, you may not have noticed but the ladies think it's a good idea.
I predict that BJ will dominate for a while by fending Sherk off with his abnormally large, bulbous head. Then, Sherk will come to his senses and realise that Penn is shit and kick his ass. As you can tell, I'm not BJ Penn's biggest fan.

I predict that BJ will dominate for a while by fending Sherk off with his abnormally large, bulbous head. Then, Sherk will come to his senses and realise that Penn is shit and kick his ass. As you can tell, I'm not BJ Penn's biggest fan.
FINALLY!! A new blog.
The past week or so has been a great week for the radio station and for the PROJEKT X show.
Starting last week, we had quite the adventure at the Mushroomhead show. Otter (my co-host) got tossed shortly after we walked in for being a drunken idiot. He then proceeded to call Waylon (singer of Mushroomhead) a total of 16 times...
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The past week or so has been a great week for the radio station and for the PROJEKT X show.
Starting last week, we had quite the adventure at the Mushroomhead show. Otter (my co-host) got tossed shortly after we walked in for being a drunken idiot. He then proceeded to call Waylon (singer of Mushroomhead) a total of 16 times...
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I know right? I barely got this one done and I've got another one rattling around in my brain. Trying to figure out where some text might be good. Any thoughts?
I'm glad that things are looking up from last week. I knew the talent would overcome.
How crazy was the premiere of Team Rampage vs Team Forrest? Rampage is a funny guy... with a huge head.
How're things other than the station?
How crazy was the premiere of Team Rampage vs Team Forrest? Rampage is a funny guy... with a huge head.

How're things other than the station?
So...PROJEKT X this week was a fucking disaster. If you didn't catch the show, you didn't miss much. It had the potential to be spectacular and the first hour was awesome. Then, the wheels fell off the bus. If you did listen, then I apologize.
We had 2 interviews scheduled, plus an in-studio guest. One of the interviews was with Serra Scars from Hollywood Music...
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We had 2 interviews scheduled, plus an in-studio guest. One of the interviews was with Serra Scars from Hollywood Music...
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I only heard the beginning of the show, and it was good, so I can't say anything about the interview with Serra Scars. The last I heard you said she had just woken up. Having listened to you guys enough, I can imagine what you're saying. You can't be too down about a show you didn't think is great. You guys are just getting started and of course there will be some growing pains. You just have to work through them. The show the week before was fabulous btw.
How come I just realized you had kids? All this time and I've never noticed that on your profile before....how old?
Sorry you had a bad show hun..looks like MistressCrabby beat me to the growing pains analogy
You guys will rock it next week!!
Sorry you had a bad show hun..looks like MistressCrabby beat me to the growing pains analogy

very cool about the Waylon interview. i'm sure that was a fantastic surprise.