I seee thaT drumzilla is now a memeber so you cool kids say hi to the best drummer i know. and yes the chickens have talons. spend the day with the kidos then i have band practice tonight . we kind of have a signer right now he's the pizza guy . yes you heard me right the pizza guy stopped by while we were recording drumzilla's tracks for song 3 and asked if he could come back after work and check us out. he's pritty good we'll see how it works out .
xevilxashleyx is over my house she one of my favorite bitches. she is coming to practice tonight to check out the pizza guy and tell me what she thinks so peace out
xevilxashleyx is over my house she one of my favorite bitches. she is coming to practice tonight to check out the pizza guy and tell me what she thinks so peace out

"Republicans all sodemize sheep and drink piss straight from the cock." according to Jon Stewart.
Anyway, I'm going to practice Wednesday, If you go bring that usb cable. Mmm Mmm Bitch!!!