alright people get this what the fuck am i doing. i hate work i wish i had the rest of my life off. i feel like i might be more productive. any way good last day off. evilashley came over then went to see my band practice. signer didn't show cause he's sick drummer just got a new rack now all his shit moved so he's all over the place basicly not the best showing of out talent but she fit in with my friend like a glove cool. she's sweet funny and a cute girlie and that's a new concept. i can't remember the last time i hung out with a girl that was fun. you know like you can totaly be your self there is alot to be said for sutch things. went to guitar center after work picked up some new gear always fun well it's late work sucks because fuck it's work

I juuuuust got home from the show. Amazingness. I'm quite damaged, and I can't hear, but it was fucking awesome nonetheless.
So yeah, are we still on for this weekend or what?! Lemme know!
[Have I told you lately that you rock?