what the fuck i can't take this shit any more. ok update i totaly did this journal thing it's good for the soul so up until now i have just been writing my every day shit well let me tell you about my life. was married for 5 1/2 yrs to a great girl she was real cool at first it was like i found my partner in crime . she had a daughter from a past relationship. at first i was like most scumbag men and said fuck no i'm not getting involved with this shit but then we had so much fun iit didn't matter. then she gets pregnant she freeks out and says she doesn't wan't to spend the rest of her life with me. hummmm to fucking late we're married. so she kicks me out because she needs time to think. four mths later she calles me and says she lost the baby i was very upset to say the least. after that things got better then a year later she's pregnant again. this time no freek out we work through it and have a beutiful girl. but that was it as soon as my daughter was born she started to change basicly got to the point were we screamed at each other all the time. one night during a gooood fight she yells "i didn't lose the baby i had an obortion!" what the fuck you lied to me for the past 2 yrs what is fucking wrong with you. so that was like 1 yr ago. we get along now and i get to see both my daughter and my step daughter every other week end. not the plan i had had but it's ok. this sucks i would love to be there more for them but i can't be around her for more than an hr before one of use rubs the other the wrong way. now on to the real suck part since then i had date a couple of girls but after the first few dates that always say well i don't want to get into a relation ship with a guy who already has kids eather they want a family of there own or don't want kids at all well thats cool but i didn't think you were dating my daughters i thought we were. god dame it to all the single moms and dads out there much respect. it's late i should go to bed alone with only the thought of happyness to keep me warm

you looked at me naked and liked it!!!!