Well it's been a long fucking week. Not that any one reads this anymore but hay wtf. OK so we played the Bodog Battle of the bands last night . We didn't get into the 1st or 2nd slot but we can still show these fuckers that metal is king and win the online voting for 3rd . Just go to www.bodogbattleofthebands.com . Register it takes 1 minute then go to voting , click on wild card and select boston aug 14th. Click on vote next to Devil's Champion and thats it. We realy need your help on this on people. To all the local NH bands that read this that we have played with please take a second to support the southern NH metal seen. Thanks to everyone who came out and we can still win this thing so help us out .
Thanks again don't let some fucking week as emo band win this shit
Thanks again don't let some fucking week as emo band win this shit

Also: As of of 4:41am, you are 2.6 percentage points ahead of those bastards!