Well we played a show in Dover NH at The Brick House. What an awsome place . They treat the band like kings and very cool people alround. It's funny we show up a group of angry looking freaks. But in all actuality we're probably the nice fuckers you'll ever meet And these people at this bar get that they don't look at us like we're gona trash the place. We're there to fucking rip it up and have a good time put respect is show to all unless you don't deserve it. Great time more shows booking every day . We're in a contest to get onto a big show at the Paladium in Worchester so it's all coming together . It sound dumb but I'll tell you what if you want it bad enough and put EVERYTHING you have into it . You can touch your tongue to your nose. NO you fucker you know what I was going to say . Make it happen don't take shit from anyone and get whats yours cause nobody else is gona get that shit for ya .All I every wanted was "Yah Boy we're proud of ya.". But ya know don't wait because while you do your dieing alittle more every day .
Stay evil keep it metal and be true to yourself above all else . SG

Stay evil keep it metal and be true to yourself above all else . SG

bad ass man, good luck with the palladium show.