Much respect to all the lovely ladies in this world but mine is the Best . xevilxashleyx is the best I love her little smile and the way she smells. My band had our first show back with our new drummer . We fucking tor Marks apart growd went wild it was awsome one of our best shows. Another show tonight at the Dover Brick...
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I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.

Well we found a new drummer our first show back will be jan 19th at Mark's Show place . What better place to have a metal show than a strip joint. I'd love to see some local sg fans come out and support you will be able to hang out with the lovely and always fun xevilxashleyx. Oh and on the other frunt fuck...
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I got a J.O.B at auto fair honda same shit different place but that's cool money is good people are cool customer suck . We lost our drummer now we have this guy name Pat who came up from NJ and fuck me running this guy has the skills man I'll tell you that. Can't wait to get out and play again that's like my...
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That's cool that you found a new job. My boyfriend worked for AutoFair for a few months. He aboslutely hated it. But I suppose if it's your thing...

Good luck with the new drummer! smile
Your fired, those are the words I heard last Friday. WTF I can't take this shit anymore. I have way too much going on and am having a hard time pushing through it. I have a MERCILESS DETERMINATION kind of idioligy but I'm only human and the grip of being responsible for my kids and my own housing it's all I can take to not...
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I love you, Brian, and I'm sorry I make the situation worse. We'll be okay...

dude lame. Thats one of the worst feelings . I know. It will get better and you'll forget all about it soon enough. I have learned recently that life does go on and and no matter what its going to be a bumpy ride. good luck bro
Well we finally go t the internet and moved. By we I mean me and Ashley. PLace is mint in the norht end of manchangelas. Come out monday to the Steppin Out lounge in machester. Formally the Spyder Room and have a drink and see devil's champion rip open this new owners of this joint and tell them what we're all about piece.
Yes, Sir.

Suuuup my neez? Don't ask me what neez means. I don't know, and I don't care.
Again we have been beat down. Didn't win our night for the seacost tattoo festival .Suck ass we lost to a good local band though so not much we can do but. Oh yah we were picked by WAAF a one o 8 bands to try out to open for Korn and the family values tour in sept. The try out i friday sept 1st...
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i like your music!!!! metal yeah ..the voice is very death metal !!!!love
go to pulsion myspace
...Let me know what you think ..
We have wond the wildcard slot for bodog battle of the bands we move on. Thanks to anyone who voted . Ashley and I are going to be moving to manchvegas soon so that should be cool . thats aboutr it ttfn
I can't believe you said "ttfn". tongue

I'm excited. biggrin
Well it's been a long fucking week. Not that any one reads this anymore but hay wtf. OK so we played the Bodog Battle of the bands last night . We didn't get into the 1st or 2nd slot but we can still show these fuckers that metal is king and win the online voting for 3rd . Just go to bodogbattleofthebands.com . Register it...
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I read this shit. Does that count? tongue

Also: As of of 4:41am, you are 2.6 percentage points ahead of those bastards!

Well my ongoing show list grows we're at the spyder room this weds the mark's show place on friday . Then the Middle East on monday . non stop fuckers. mad
Well kids biggg show this weekend at the Spyder room in Manch. Seven cities of sin tour. 12 of the best bands in the state for $6.00. Email me for tix. On another note respect what you have because tommorow is not a promise .
Crushed skulls at the Show on sat. Then sunday busted up. I'm getting old need to stretch more . But my day was spent bumped out for reasons I have no control over . What the fuck . I have so much going on more drama is not what I need
I am sorry. blackeyed
Well kidos had a great weekend with the little lady xevilxashleyx . We saw pirates and went to a club to see my friends band play. Then spent sunday swimming and then the real fun . I spent 5 hours in our recording studio getting nothing done. We have three songs left we need to finish recording drum tracks for but they are the three...
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those links sent me to my own profile.....
ummmm.. what's up with these drawings? no rush or anything, just want to know what's the dilly-yo! biggrin