I get so tired. I'm tired of pretending I'm not a female. I'm not like most, i don't freak for no reason or get pissed because you want to drink at noon on tues. I don't want to take you shopping with me or expect you to go to sleep at nine because I'm tired and I NEED you to fall asleep. I think that I'm the kind of girl that many people would be proud to say is their significant other. I guess I just don't understand why the only one I want continues to push me away, only to beg me to "not give up on them". It sucks worse because I know they mean both things, the tenderness and the insensitivity, but being a woman it seems the tenderness lasts much longer in my mind. I just want the simplicity of a relationship. I don't think it has to be hard. I don't think it has to be this ridiculous hopeless romantic bullshit. I think it's friendship, combined with trust, a healthy dose of patience and humor. I laugh at the beer cans I find in random places in the house, why can't he do the same?
More Blogs
Friday Dec 31, 2010
It's been a year exactly since I cut you out of my life. I had a few … -
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
Thank God Mark was an only child. He was the kind of person that woul… -
Friday Mar 26, 2010
sonofabitch emo Bran calm down! Its amazing how much can change in … -
Wednesday Jan 06, 2010
someone called me beauiful last night. Even if he was wasted and was… -
Saturday Jan 02, 2010
Im making New Years Resolutions for the simple fact that I'm tired. I… -
Saturday Dec 05, 2009
Romance is getting up to go to the kitchen for water when you're both… -
Tuesday Jul 14, 2009
I love you- Love, me -
Tuesday Jun 23, 2009
i write this to you bc it's always ben easier that way..... You help… -
Tuesday Mar 31, 2009
I miss everything and nothing. I'm tired, loved, confused, etc...I wa… -
Sunday Feb 15, 2009
I've crossed a line...I can't ever go back. All the pain, the heartac…