Man, lately it's been seeming like I lead a pretty boring life. I'm pluggin away at my trig class, but frustrated that I lost my TI-86
Anyone have one to spare for a few months??
Love life wise, I'm feelin a little crappy. Is it too much to ask for exactly what you want in a mate? Or, rather, to say "here's what I need to make this work..."? Because, it seems like everytime I get to this point with someone is starts to get all f-ed up. I mean, I don't think perfection is too much to ask! Is there anyone out there that agrees?
I did put up a few new, recent, pics though, so check those out, if you're so inclined...

Love life wise, I'm feelin a little crappy. Is it too much to ask for exactly what you want in a mate? Or, rather, to say "here's what I need to make this work..."? Because, it seems like everytime I get to this point with someone is starts to get all f-ed up. I mean, I don't think perfection is too much to ask! Is there anyone out there that agrees?
I did put up a few new, recent, pics though, so check those out, if you're so inclined...
I hate math
try it... it's the coolest!