Today's gloominess and sprinklyness did not help the ol' mood much today. I also did crappy on an A & P 2 practical exam.
Tonight: Study Buddy is comin' over and then I'll probably go out for a beer to drown my sorrows. Ugh. I'm turning 25 thursday.
Any words of wisdom from all you philosphers out there?
Tonight: Study Buddy is comin' over and then I'll probably go out for a beer to drown my sorrows. Ugh. I'm turning 25 thursday.
Any words of wisdom from all you philosphers out there?
Run!!? Through a Don't Walk sign? But, . . .but . . . will that not cause the laws of nature to vanish and send the earth hurtling into the sun? Hmmm, perhaps not. However it makes you a certified Jaywalker. Please do me the honor of accepting your 'J' and your membership in the large group of peopel who get annoyed at me downtown 'cause I won't cross the street with them
I work the night shift at a hotel in Downtown Minneapolis. And since I am the peon (new guy), I have to work weekends so I get the midweek stretch as my weekend. Kinda of fun, though, to always be comeing when everyone is going . . . . um, so to speak (I tried, believe me, to find a better analogy, but I just couldn't make one work). Plus I get all day, with the help of a judicious amount of caffine, to work on my own stuff.
Catch ya tomorrow and you'd better have had a good day
see u