Why is it that family occasions bring out the worst in people? Its like I can wake up and be just fine, but then I realize there's a family occasion and before I have a moment to do my self-inventory, even, i'm all of a sudden this horrible, awful bitch.
The thing is...i don't inherently hate family stuff. Today is my grandparents' party for their...
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once I shave and get a good haircut

since I can only fixate

my tools are in need of repair


well your dipping chocolate strawberries, that gets my nipples hard

really have a better day then it feels
Man, lately it's been seeming like I lead a pretty boring life. I'm pluggin away at my trig class, but frustrated that I lost my TI-86 frown Anyone have one to spare for a few months??

Love life wise, I'm feelin a little crappy. Is it too much to ask for exactly what you want in a mate? Or, rather, to say "here's what I need...
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I hate math mad
ahhh yes, the days of school... it feels good to be a drop out!
try it... it's the coolest! biggrin

Not much has changed again. I spent a couple of days in mankato, and now I'm back home. Valentine's day was nice, but nothing to 'write home' about...just a nice dinner and early to bed wink blush

This week, I've been spending lots of time in the kitchen...my favorite place to be. I love cooking in the winter for people-friends, neighboors, family, etc. So...I try to spend...
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Why would going to bed early be a reason to blush? .... Ah, OK. Thats nice.

What are you studying? (Sorry for not heving read all your previous entries - probably you have told already)
I have not a clue about biology.
What pofession are you aiming at?
Im not trying to be a smartass - Im just curious because I dont know a person who studies anything related to biology.

I WOULD have said hi via yahoo messenger but Ive never tried it and have to find out how it works...

Compliments make you happy? - youre sweet.

Geez. I haven't updated this thing in a long time due to busy classes and attempting to keep an interesting social life, i spend little time on sg anymore.
so...if you want to get ahold of me, message me on Yahoo or aol.

I think I've already sacrificed most of my social life.
no time for sg... pfft!!!

My weekend was cool, how about yours? I had family stuff to do on Saturday--hung with my grandparents for a bit. On Sunday, I slaved in the kitchen all day and made a gorgeous meal for friends. Here was the menu:

Leek soup with white beans and mustard greens
greens salad with cranberries, apples, cnadied walnuts and gargonzola
herbed crostini
blanched winter veggies
bacon horseradish...
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Oh no, not quite the luckiest. I thought I was a few times before, but no, not really. Thanks anyway though.
I'm taking Construction Technology, and Industrial Materials. I am majoring in Occupational Technology Studies. Basically i'm studying to be a Shop Teacher. Cool, huh????
Today was the first day of the new semeser. This is the first time in a couple of years that I have only taken 1 class....only 3 creditgs I feel like such a loser! And, then, to top it off, I misread the schedule and showed up at the wrong time. oops! blush

A clean break was made from the dude that's been driving me crazy...
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cute cute cute!
Lastnite was a fun one. New haircut, shopping, going out to the artists' quarter for a little jazz and wine...

Consequently, today I'm tired and unmotivated. Which is exactly what I need not to be, because I'm really, really behind on work stuff.

My recently surgeried arm really hurts. I coudn't wait any longer and took the bandages off...modern medicine can seem so barbaric at...
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hot chocolate and butterskotch schnapps is a cheap alternative.
blackeyed blackeyed blackeyed Goddamn!!!

Did you ever go to Lucky Baldwin's in Pasadena? It's a great pub with a great selection of beer. You'll have to check it out next time. What were you doing in Pasadena anyway?
Happy 2005!
I'm recovering nicely from surgery. The drugs they've given me aren't as great as I'd hoped, but they're definitely helping! The hardware they took from my body is amazing!

Tonite, and for the next few days, I'll be staying in and snuggling in my soft comfy bed and drinking lots of good beer and watching lots of movies.

Hopefully this year will bring...
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whoa... surgery?

not fun. i had a tumor removed from the inside of my third lumbar vertabrae on nov. 18th. i'm still on "short-term disability" which blows. even though many of my usual activities have resumed, sitting behind a desk oddly is very uncomfortable.

hope all is well with your surgery!!!

i just noticed you on the SGTC list. a belated welcome.

surgery sucks, but being alive after the accident has its own rewards.

i love how the x-ray shows your hood! tongue
hmm...any time I try to upload a pic for my profile, it gets stretched funny...any suggestions?

I had a christmas celebreation gone awry with my boybuddy lastnite, and now I'm just angry and moody. We're both redheads, so moodiness is exponential with the two of us! mad puke surreal

So...today is just for finishing up christmas sewing and cooking and things. I've been better about adding new pics,...
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Yay redheads!
If the past year wasn't a happy one, then hopefully this next one will be.

Have a Happy New Year!
Finals are finished! Yay!

This weekend I need to devote to holiday preparation. After that, it'll be surgery preperation.

I have a few trips for work this week, which means lots and lots of driving. I was in the car for 13 hours yesterday! I also have to head to the Iron Range later in the week.

Today...relaxation--sewing, painting, cooking, shopping, chillin with friends &...
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Best Gift: autographed photo of Steve Buscemi.

Saw G. Love at First Ave a while back... that kid can freestyle.
just makes you want to hug him.
oh, I've hugged him...I got to meet him one time, back when I was in HS
Today has been a nice, unproductive, relaxing one. Yesterday I was super moody, and I mean...m-o-o-o-d-y. My buddy daniel came to the rescue and suggested a sleepover. It was just what the doctor ordered! Hey...that's what friends are for, right? So, consequently, it was a late nite of beer drinking and reading and chatting, and I've been tired all day.

Meanwhile, I figured out the...
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I really enjoy those days also. that is until the end of the day where you feel like you did NOTHING! Where do you go to school? What do you wanna be when you grow up? oh yeah, nice pics [blurry but nice].

Sweet phone camage... I thoroughly enjoy your belly button.

Did you go to the G. Love concert last month?
To learn how you can snap pictures with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/getitnow/getpix

To learn how you can record videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/getitnow/getflix

To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime 6.5 is required. Visit www.apple.com/quicktime/download to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or...
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