I was lucky enough to attend last Saturday's SG show (with my new favorite guy) and I'd like to come up with a playlist of the songs they used. Please post if you can remember them?.?.

happy birthday smilekiss
I hope you had a few cold ones on your birthday

hugs m'lady
wow. can't believe so many days passsed without me being on here. its weird, but the less busy I am, the more i find myself doing. i used to spend so much time on this site, and now i'm lucky to check it out once or twice.

ive been gardening and cooking and taking care of the house and all that domestic stuff. to celebrate...
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i've been the portrait of laziness this week. it seems like i need to 'get back into the swing of things,' but i'm not used to being this not busy. I't been years (literally) since I've skipped taking a summer class.

i've started going to the gym again, and plan to get in awesome shape this summer. i'll hopefully have sexier pics to post soon....
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Hope your homebrew turns out somewhat decent for your first attempt. Homebrewing is another hobby I have yet to undertake. I've been preoccupied with paintballing. The gratification is much more instantaneous.
Croatia... excellent. Ever since I hit eastern Europe for the first time I have had zero desire to do the typical London, Paris, blah stuff. Croatia sounds great.

So other than working out, brewing beer and taking trig finals, what do you do for fun?
wow. my trig final is tomorrow. this is the most studied/prepared I've been for a test in years...literally. an added bonus is that i just found out i was among the high scor-ers on the last test, too! I just might have a chance at moving up in the world, afterall!

so...i'm gettin up at 4am just to make coffee, wake up, stretch, and prepare...
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Is that your genital piercing I see in your profile pic?
How did that test go BrewMistress? Did the stretching help?
well, after all this time of waiting, I've finally done it--Mdae my own beer.
I made the wort and pitched the yeast and all that last night. I woke up this morning to see the yeast working their beer-making magic. Yay. Everyone I've talked to says "your first batch never turns out." But...I'm optimistic and a perfectionist, so I'm just going to assume it'll be...
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a friend and I used to make our own beer. Our first batch turned out great!! damn! I miss those days smile
Well hello BrewMistress. Are you a capital city girl?
wow. another weekend gone. they're just way too short, I swear. I had so much Trig. homework to do, and its Sunday afternoon and nice out, and now there's now way math will be completed!

This weeeknd I cooked and cleaned, went to a charity event, and attempted to go salsa-ing. We went to Latin Conga Bistro in Mpls. It wasn't what I expected. It...
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So, I've been trying to venture out more. For a while there, I was such a homebody, so I'm making it a point to get out once or twice a week, despite all my work/school.

Lastnite, I had a few friends over for dinner (really, I was trying to matchmake my cousin and a longtime friend), and then my sister brought 12 of her closest...
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I tried to be more "sociable" but it hasn't gotten too far. The fact that I had to try made it seem too much of a contrivance and was just un-genuine. I think I'm just a loner by nature and I can't change that.
hey whats up
hello friends,

ive been soooo busy! working 2.5 jobs and school--yikes!

i went to ground zero for the first time, thursday...it was fun. photos to come.

anyone going to the big wu fest on memorial wknd?
2.5 jobs? Doing what?

Ground zero? As in 9/11's ground zero being fun?
Thanks...I was a bit of a cry baby when I wrote that...but it's all good.

And I'm not surprised you haven't gone out, it sounds like you don't get to go out very much working your 18 jobs!!!!

Here's so getting some fun time!!!!

And some sleep....
happy easter! did the easter bunny come for any of you? he did for me...in the form of lots of gift cards to places i go quite a bit. my mom's still cool that way.

i finally have the house to myself, and its awesome. a little quiet and loenly, but it will definitely be good for me.

i'm also getting into the swing of...
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For me, Easter sucks and so do family functions.
Happy Easter to you as well, I guess. Well, that was nearly a week ago now, so... Anyway, there are many options for music downloads these days. The above suggestions are adequate for most, but if you look hard enough, you'll find some exclusive groups. It seems that many of these are just uppity geeks with nothing better to do than insult you for being a newb and all that. But there are others that are genuinely good and nice to trade on. Think small and less anonymous, also high quality if that matters to you. If this sparks your interest, start by looking for a guide to creating the best quality mp3s.
wow. tomorrow is the big day. my parents are leaving the country and leaving me in charge of their home. wahoooo! I dont think i'll have a big party or anything, right away at least, but it'll be so nice to have some peace and quiet!

my relationship with my current boy is in this, like, painful holding pattern. a few weks ago, I work...
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wow. what drama yesterday. today I celebrated my better mood by going shopping with a friend. Bought a couplea things, but all gifts.

its spring break for me right now, but since i'm only taking 1 class this semester, I don't really feel like its worthy of a celebration.

my plan for tonite: listen to the current and drink coffee and go to bed early.

Sleep is what we all need.
wow. tomorrow is the big day. my parents are leaving the country and leaving me in charge of their home. wahoooo! I dont think i'll have a big party or anything, right away at least, but it'll be so nice to have some peace and quiet!

my relationship with my current boy is in this, like, painful holding pattern. a few weks ago, I work up and was like, "who is this person?" "Why didn't i realize so many months ago that we have nothing in common?" Its just that he's so...nice. And nice is nice, for a change. Only, I don't think you can live forever on nice alone. Or, I can't.