So um, hello SG World. It's been a while. A few months, really.
A lot of stuff has happened. The girl I met on OkCupid/at the comic convention is now my girlfriend, and in a few days we'll have been dating for two months. It's been busy. I've been going places and doing stuff with her I've never really done before and never thought I'd see myself doing, and it's pretty awesome. Went to the zoo, saw Neil Gaiman on the Unchained Tour, camped out, stuff like that. Exciting times.
In...August I guess? I posted the fourth chapter of my webcomic Other Sleep, which you can read over here. Chapter five is moving way too slow, due to a number of things, including, but not limited to, laziness. And the standard "oh god I'm shitty" stigma that most all artists routinely suffer from. That gets annoying.
Oh, and my best friend is back in Korea for grad school. I feel his absence every day and it's kind of killer. We spilled our guts out to each other a couple nights ago on Facebook about how lame our lives have become.
I had an artist's table reserved for Adventure Con in Knoxville tomorrow, but my friend/tablemate/transportation had to bail, and I couldn't find anyone else on such short notice, so that isn't happening. Basically, I just threw 75 bucks into the wind.
So! This month I'm taking part in a semi-local thing called the Bill Counts October Game, named after some local artist who passed away a couple of years back. The goal is basically to produce a new work of art for every day of the month. We're just over a third of the way through and it's been going decently for me. The image above is probably my favorite piece that I've done so far. I'm taking it extremely seriously to the point where when other artists (there's over 30 of us) break the rules or something, I get mad. Things aren't being enforced like they should, one woman is just posting older work everyday rather than making new work, which is the whole fucking purpose of the game.
Another artist (I hesitate to call him one, all of his stuff has just been shitty photos taken in his house so far) tried posting a photo from the internet the other day, and my girlfriend, drunk on tequila, called him out on it and he took it down. I kind of love her for it, she's just as into it as I am.
I put all the pieces I've done up to today here in a gallery on my website. I've also been posting them on deviantART and on my Tumblr. OR you can follow the game on its Facebook page that I linked to up there and see all the work that the other artists are doing!
(hint: most of it kind of sucks, sadly)
Hm...what else?
I'm addicted to Tokyo Jungle on the PS3.
I'm addicted to curry.
I started going through my music collection and deleting shit, but then I stopped and since then have already replaced the 200-some-odd songs I'd deleted with more new music. It's a vicious cycle.
The Saturday before Halloween I'll be appearing at my local comic shop again to try and sell books and sketches. We'll see how it goes.
Last month I went on a spree of watching nothing but crazy Japanese movies, and I wrote about all 12 of them here. I plan on doing a follow-up with more movies, but it's gonna take a while.
October means lots of horror shit and witch house music. I like October.
Saw Dredd 3D and Looper with the girlfriend. Looper is a phenomenal movie, and definitely the best I've seen all year, but I enjoyed Dredd more and really want to see it again. Screw Avengers, screw the Dark Knight Rises, Dredd may be my favorite movie of the year.
Um, I'm gonna stop there. Should head off to bed soon. So uh, what's new with everyone else?
A lot of stuff has happened. The girl I met on OkCupid/at the comic convention is now my girlfriend, and in a few days we'll have been dating for two months. It's been busy. I've been going places and doing stuff with her I've never really done before and never thought I'd see myself doing, and it's pretty awesome. Went to the zoo, saw Neil Gaiman on the Unchained Tour, camped out, stuff like that. Exciting times.
In...August I guess? I posted the fourth chapter of my webcomic Other Sleep, which you can read over here. Chapter five is moving way too slow, due to a number of things, including, but not limited to, laziness. And the standard "oh god I'm shitty" stigma that most all artists routinely suffer from. That gets annoying.
Oh, and my best friend is back in Korea for grad school. I feel his absence every day and it's kind of killer. We spilled our guts out to each other a couple nights ago on Facebook about how lame our lives have become.
I had an artist's table reserved for Adventure Con in Knoxville tomorrow, but my friend/tablemate/transportation had to bail, and I couldn't find anyone else on such short notice, so that isn't happening. Basically, I just threw 75 bucks into the wind.

So! This month I'm taking part in a semi-local thing called the Bill Counts October Game, named after some local artist who passed away a couple of years back. The goal is basically to produce a new work of art for every day of the month. We're just over a third of the way through and it's been going decently for me. The image above is probably my favorite piece that I've done so far. I'm taking it extremely seriously to the point where when other artists (there's over 30 of us) break the rules or something, I get mad. Things aren't being enforced like they should, one woman is just posting older work everyday rather than making new work, which is the whole fucking purpose of the game.
Another artist (I hesitate to call him one, all of his stuff has just been shitty photos taken in his house so far) tried posting a photo from the internet the other day, and my girlfriend, drunk on tequila, called him out on it and he took it down. I kind of love her for it, she's just as into it as I am.

I put all the pieces I've done up to today here in a gallery on my website. I've also been posting them on deviantART and on my Tumblr. OR you can follow the game on its Facebook page that I linked to up there and see all the work that the other artists are doing!
(hint: most of it kind of sucks, sadly)
Hm...what else?
I'm addicted to Tokyo Jungle on the PS3.
I'm addicted to curry.
I started going through my music collection and deleting shit, but then I stopped and since then have already replaced the 200-some-odd songs I'd deleted with more new music. It's a vicious cycle.
The Saturday before Halloween I'll be appearing at my local comic shop again to try and sell books and sketches. We'll see how it goes.
Last month I went on a spree of watching nothing but crazy Japanese movies, and I wrote about all 12 of them here. I plan on doing a follow-up with more movies, but it's gonna take a while.
October means lots of horror shit and witch house music. I like October.
Saw Dredd 3D and Looper with the girlfriend. Looper is a phenomenal movie, and definitely the best I've seen all year, but I enjoyed Dredd more and really want to see it again. Screw Avengers, screw the Dark Knight Rises, Dredd may be my favorite movie of the year.
Um, I'm gonna stop there. Should head off to bed soon. So uh, what's new with everyone else?