ALRIGHT! Chapter 3 of Other Sleep is finally DONE and ONLINE! Now go read it! Bigger file sizes and more pages means it'll take a bit longer to load, so be patient. Here's the first page as a taste:
I now should get into chapter 4 quite a bit, but I've got some other stuff to work on too. Saturday I'll be doing a test shoot with my model friend. This won't be whatever she'll submit to SG, but just an exercise to give us both an idea of what to do and what not to do. And next weekend is Heroes Con in Charlotte, which I'll be going to. Some of my favorite artists are gonna be there, I'm so excited for it.
Also? I've watched Prometheus TWICE now. And I wrote 900-some-odd words worth of thoughts about it today. I really like it. It's so much like something right out of the pages of Heavy Metal.
That's about the size of it. If you read Other Sleep, please do let me know what you think of it, yeah?

I now should get into chapter 4 quite a bit, but I've got some other stuff to work on too. Saturday I'll be doing a test shoot with my model friend. This won't be whatever she'll submit to SG, but just an exercise to give us both an idea of what to do and what not to do. And next weekend is Heroes Con in Charlotte, which I'll be going to. Some of my favorite artists are gonna be there, I'm so excited for it.
Also? I've watched Prometheus TWICE now. And I wrote 900-some-odd words worth of thoughts about it today. I really like it. It's so much like something right out of the pages of Heavy Metal.
That's about the size of it. If you read Other Sleep, please do let me know what you think of it, yeah?
I saw Prometheus in IMAX 3D last Saturday and thought it was pretty good. Been thinking about seeing it a second time. I've been following it ever since it was announced as a direct Alien prequel about two years ago. There is an online debate now about the story and whether Jesus Christ was sent by the engineers. His crucifixion being the reason why earth was targeted for extermination. So many big 'what ifs'. Lot of stuff to wrap your brain around...but that's what good movies do.