I AM NEARLY DONE WITH CHAPTER 3 OF OTHER SLEEP. Here's part of a page I finished last night.
It'll be FINISHED and ONLINE this weekend! I hope.
I got all mopey and lethargic last week, but got over it and have been steamrolling through pages like a madman. I'm excited.
I would like to write some more, but I've just been a bit too busy/lethargic lately. Maybe later this week.

It'll be FINISHED and ONLINE this weekend! I hope.
I got all mopey and lethargic last week, but got over it and have been steamrolling through pages like a madman. I'm excited.
I would like to write some more, but I've just been a bit too busy/lethargic lately. Maybe later this week.
love it!!! its like deadspace ,batman, and this alien purple tentacle rape porn i saw had a babeh!