Four out of five of my friends think it's weird that I listen to the Wu-Tang Clan. Not that that's going to stop me, but considering my tastes in, um, everything else, that should hardly be something they find unusual about me, heh.
I got to hang out with my model friend today, and she's back to wanting me to shoot her. She was just having a bad day when she told me that, so I'm pretty happy about that. She's still extremely self-conscious, but I'm sure she'll eventually become more comfortable with her body. I think once she gets an account set up on here and all, it'd help her out, I like seeing how supportive everyone is. It's kind of inspiring.
We ate at a downtown pizza place and watched Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. The shrim/lovemaking sequence is one of the most uncomfortable, bizarre, awkward things I've ever witnessed in a movie. I gotta get myself a copy!
Um, aside from today, my long weekend was uneventful. Saturday I finished flatting all the scanned pages of chapter 3 of Other Sleep, and watched War of the Gargantuas and Drive. Yeah, weird double feature choice, but keep in mind what I said above about my tastes.
Sunday I watched Shutter Island, which is incredible, and John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars, which is uh, NOT incredible. Oh, and Christopher Nolan's first film, Following, which wasn't bad. And a documentary on screenwriters and another documentary about the making of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for some reason.
Um, that's it I suppose. Tomorrow I get back in gear and try to finish drawing these last two pages of chapter 3 so I can dive into fully coloring and lettering the thing. YES.
I got to hang out with my model friend today, and she's back to wanting me to shoot her. She was just having a bad day when she told me that, so I'm pretty happy about that. She's still extremely self-conscious, but I'm sure she'll eventually become more comfortable with her body. I think once she gets an account set up on here and all, it'd help her out, I like seeing how supportive everyone is. It's kind of inspiring.
We ate at a downtown pizza place and watched Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. The shrim/lovemaking sequence is one of the most uncomfortable, bizarre, awkward things I've ever witnessed in a movie. I gotta get myself a copy!
Um, aside from today, my long weekend was uneventful. Saturday I finished flatting all the scanned pages of chapter 3 of Other Sleep, and watched War of the Gargantuas and Drive. Yeah, weird double feature choice, but keep in mind what I said above about my tastes.
Sunday I watched Shutter Island, which is incredible, and John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars, which is uh, NOT incredible. Oh, and Christopher Nolan's first film, Following, which wasn't bad. And a documentary on screenwriters and another documentary about the making of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for some reason.
Um, that's it I suppose. Tomorrow I get back in gear and try to finish drawing these last two pages of chapter 3 so I can dive into fully coloring and lettering the thing. YES.
Err, yeah, she wants to be a Suicide Girl but was having huge doubts last week and I had written about it. I should've been more clear, sorry.
Yay for uncomfortables scenes and awkward movie combinations!!!!