In 15 days, my account here is set to renew for another year, but I'm thinking I'm just gonna cancel. Life's been moving pretty quickly lately and I never did a very good job of becoming a part of this community and making friends to begin with. I suck at that kind of thing, really.
HOWEVER. If for some reason people want to follow me...
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HOWEVER. If for some reason people want to follow me...
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Typically with videogames, I don't like FPS stuff. Nor am I overly fond of anything where I have to shoot people.
But in BioShock Infinite I can shoot flocks of crows at racists before smashing their skulls in with a gun that occasionally sets them on fire.
If nothing else, the game definitely deserves GOTY status for that. I'm in love.
But in BioShock Infinite I can shoot flocks of crows at racists before smashing their skulls in with a gun that occasionally sets them on fire.
If nothing else, the game definitely deserves GOTY status for that. I'm in love.
Fuck this cold weather in the eyes.
That is all.
That is all.
i vote to second that notion!!
Hello Suicidegirlslandplace, it has been an incredibly long time! How's stuff? Good? Good.
I've been stupidly busy. Somehow this year I've become an amateur stand-up comedian, going to this twice monthly open-mic thing with a bunch of friends. It's weird, it's horrible, but it's so much fun and I love being awkward and humiliating myself onstage in front of a bunch of people I don't...
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I've been stupidly busy. Somehow this year I've become an amateur stand-up comedian, going to this twice monthly open-mic thing with a bunch of friends. It's weird, it's horrible, but it's so much fun and I love being awkward and humiliating myself onstage in front of a bunch of people I don't...
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Cathartic onstage humiliation? I'm into that, too.
So I had a job interview yesterday that I wasn't too crazy about. There was an ad in the paper about them needing a freelance artist. It was very vague. I emailed my resume just for kicks, thinking they wouldn't call me or anything, since it said experience with Flash was necessary and I never mentioned it on my resume or in the work on...
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So um, hello SG World. It's been a while. A few months, really.
A lot of stuff has happened. The girl I met on OkCupid/at the comic convention is now my girlfriend, and in a few days we'll have been dating for two months. It's been busy. I've been going places and doing stuff with her I've never really done before and never thought I'd...
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A lot of stuff has happened. The girl I met on OkCupid/at the comic convention is now my girlfriend, and in a few days we'll have been dating for two months. It's been busy. I've been going places and doing stuff with her I've never really done before and never thought I'd...
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So, um, I totally made a profile on OkCupid. Kind of as a joke/experiment. I got kind of weird in developing my profile as a way to ward off anyone that I'd have no interest in at all, which means I probably will not get any messages at all or anything, but if I do, hopefully they'll be from interesting and/or insane girls, yes?
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You just have to look in the right places, or just let it happen.
My experience with okc was there were a few cool people but most were just too much. Like people would insult me and then after I didn't write back, write me asking why.
So I've had this account for over a month now and I'm already feeling kind of burned out on it. I paid for a year's subscription so I'm not giving up yet, but I really don't visit too often and only browse other people's blogs lately, not even really looking at the front page sets.
I WAS in a stupid artistic slump for a while...
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I WAS in a stupid artistic slump for a while...
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Awesome! I'm glad that things are going well with your art, and nerd vacations are the best. Also, I know what you mean about being really into the site and then kinda just checking in on friends and not much else for a while. Just give it time you'lll probably go on a picture spree again.
I've been on here for years and I and several people I've met through here have always seen it as community first and the SG's are the background that's not to say that I don't have my own personal favourites some of whom I've had the pleasure of meeting.
I've had friends come and go but lately it seems like there's less happening around here although I'm spending less time on here due to a lack of time really. There does seem to be a bit of a mass exodus happening. Although it has to be said that you get out what you put in.
I like your art style I must say, I like the lo-fi punk style.
I've had friends come and go but lately it seems like there's less happening around here although I'm spending less time on here due to a lack of time really. There does seem to be a bit of a mass exodus happening. Although it has to be said that you get out what you put in.
I like your art style I must say, I like the lo-fi punk style.
Tomorrow I'm doing a practice shoot with my model friend, and as research I've been digging hard through all kinds of Suicide Girls sets to the point that I'm woozy. There are plenty of ways to drive yourself mad, and analyzing photosets of beautiful nude women is probably one of the best next to meeting Cthulhu face-to-face.
(I didn't think taking pictures of a cute...
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(I didn't think taking pictures of a cute...
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I saw Prometheus in IMAX 3D last Saturday and thought it was pretty good. Been thinking about seeing it a second time. I've been following it ever since it was announced as a direct Alien prequel about two years ago. There is an online debate now about the story and whether Jesus Christ was sent by the engineers. His crucifixion being the reason why earth was targeted for extermination. So many big 'what ifs'. Lot of stuff to wrap your brain around...but that's what good movies do.