Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of update. I am gay. Anyhow, it's been a pretty up and down week for me. Basically, in the previous journal entry, I detailed a looong night in Vegas that I spent, basically by myself. It was such a fucking wasted weekend because my friends were soo damn content with staying in the room to play computer games (on the first night) and going to sleep at like 11pm (the second night). Not only that, but I was mildly sick and was chugging Day-Quil for 2 days straight, so you figured that if I was willing to go out when I'm tired and sick....well, no one has an excuse. On top of that, I bowled like shit (was there for a bowling tournament). But after I penned the previous journal entry, I got fed up and went out by myself. Hilarity ensued. Basically, I managed to get into Voodoo Lounge at like 3 am and hung out with a group of girls (a bachellorette party, if I recall) until like 9 am. Then I went straight to the other half of the bowling tournament and totally hit up this cocktail waitress. I managed to get her number but I never could follow through on it because I had to leave that night.
So I get back home from Vegas and I'm still not tired given the fact that I spend the better part of the weekend doing nothing, and called up several friends of mine. Those friends proceeded to make plans with me to do everything from barhopping to golfing to hookah smorking. However, every single one of these plans fell through (on both Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday that week). Why, you might be asking? Well, apparently, everyone on that day decided to become Le Tired and what was I left with? ...Nothing. That day, if another person told me that they were tired, I would have given them a swift kick to the face. Whatever...I REALLY need some new friends. I need to find some people to have a good time with....
So anyways......
Yeah, I'm not saying that all of my friends and like to sleep in all the time, but a good majority of them do (including all of my closest ones). What really gets to me is the fact that if I made plans with someone, I try my hardest not to break those plans. Oh, and I NEVER break plans with people just because I'm le tired simply because I catch a second wind if I'm having a good time. But I do understand that under some circumstances being tired is an excuse (like when you've had a hard day at work, or you're sick, or you're tired from emotional distress). But I'm sorry, sleeping "only 5 hours" last night is not an excuse! Anyhow, there are plenty of more instances this week, but there wouldn't be enough space in my journal for all of them. Besides that, I'm ranting now, but I just really needed to get that off my chest. I just want to have a good time without worrying about someone breaking those plans.
In other news: I'm in love with indian casinos. I have been going to the Morongo Hotel and Casino about an hour and a half outside Los Angeles twice in the past 4 days and I am winning a TON of money. The other day, I was playing video poker and just managed to hit a royal flush on my second draw. Now mind you, this happens something like one out of a million or so hands and I just happend to be that one. I won something like $1200 that night. I come back and play the tables and proceeded to win like $100 more. Fuck I'm awesome!
So school is about to start and I'd have to say that for the first time in a looooooong time, I'm pretty excited to go back. I'm finally starting at a University this year after going to a Community College for x amount of years and another U that I didn't particularly like, and I'm pretty stoked to finally get things going. Finally, I can say that I go to a school that I'm proud of. I'm a little worried though as my Calculus skills have diminished since the last Calc class I took was in 2001 and I kinda just floated through that class (it's no wonder why I barely failed my MCATs). Whatever, I'm sure I'll pull through. But since I"m starting school, I'm finally moving out of the house. So new school, new home, I'm gonna have to make new friends cuz as of yet, I know no one there so new friends too. OooOOOOoooO...I can barely contain myself.
Anyhow, this entry is faaaaaar too long already. I'l save mroe for next time. Maybe when I have some notable hapenings in my life, I'll actually have some real journal material...not just a bunch of ramblings
. See you guys later!
So I get back home from Vegas and I'm still not tired given the fact that I spend the better part of the weekend doing nothing, and called up several friends of mine. Those friends proceeded to make plans with me to do everything from barhopping to golfing to hookah smorking. However, every single one of these plans fell through (on both Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday that week). Why, you might be asking? Well, apparently, everyone on that day decided to become Le Tired and what was I left with? ...Nothing. That day, if another person told me that they were tired, I would have given them a swift kick to the face. Whatever...I REALLY need some new friends. I need to find some people to have a good time with....
So anyways......
Yeah, I'm not saying that all of my friends and like to sleep in all the time, but a good majority of them do (including all of my closest ones). What really gets to me is the fact that if I made plans with someone, I try my hardest not to break those plans. Oh, and I NEVER break plans with people just because I'm le tired simply because I catch a second wind if I'm having a good time. But I do understand that under some circumstances being tired is an excuse (like when you've had a hard day at work, or you're sick, or you're tired from emotional distress). But I'm sorry, sleeping "only 5 hours" last night is not an excuse! Anyhow, there are plenty of more instances this week, but there wouldn't be enough space in my journal for all of them. Besides that, I'm ranting now, but I just really needed to get that off my chest. I just want to have a good time without worrying about someone breaking those plans.
In other news: I'm in love with indian casinos. I have been going to the Morongo Hotel and Casino about an hour and a half outside Los Angeles twice in the past 4 days and I am winning a TON of money. The other day, I was playing video poker and just managed to hit a royal flush on my second draw. Now mind you, this happens something like one out of a million or so hands and I just happend to be that one. I won something like $1200 that night. I come back and play the tables and proceeded to win like $100 more. Fuck I'm awesome!
So school is about to start and I'd have to say that for the first time in a looooooong time, I'm pretty excited to go back. I'm finally starting at a University this year after going to a Community College for x amount of years and another U that I didn't particularly like, and I'm pretty stoked to finally get things going. Finally, I can say that I go to a school that I'm proud of. I'm a little worried though as my Calculus skills have diminished since the last Calc class I took was in 2001 and I kinda just floated through that class (it's no wonder why I barely failed my MCATs). Whatever, I'm sure I'll pull through. But since I"m starting school, I'm finally moving out of the house. So new school, new home, I'm gonna have to make new friends cuz as of yet, I know no one there so new friends too. OooOOOOoooO...I can barely contain myself.
Anyhow, this entry is faaaaaar too long already. I'l save mroe for next time. Maybe when I have some notable hapenings in my life, I'll actually have some real journal material...not just a bunch of ramblings

nothing just yet. i'm being lazy as long as i can get away with it!
8 hours? you don't live in san diego, man. well maybe getting through LA takes up a lot of time, but i usually make the trip to & from LA in like, 5 hours.