So to update my situation...I am sitting in my room at the Rio in Vegas on my friend's laptop. It is midnight. It's not early but by all accounts, but it's not late either. So can anyone explain to me why the FUCK am I sitting in a hotel room listening to my friends snore? I'm staying at the Rio, why the hell am I not at the Voodoo Lounge picking up on some hot girls? The Palms is next door, why the hell am I not at Ghostbar hamming it up with the bartenders? The Pimp and Ho Party is happening as I speak at the Orleans, why aren't I there? Aren't I supposed to be partying right now? And you might be asking me, why aren't I doing these things? Well, to give you guys an abrupt answer, I have nobody (yes, that's right....NOBODY!) to hang out with. These guys are always soo damn tired and soo damn eager to go into the room and just sleep. I mean, c'mon! It's fucking Vegas already! Maybe that's why I'm not enjoying my life very much right now.....everyone I hang around with is fucking BORING!! Am I just doomed to be cursed with these types of people as friends? I mean, shit, I'm tired too...just like you are. However, while you got 3 hours of sleep last night, I got 1 and a half. And while I'm tired too, I'm also sick (I've been chugging DayQuil constantly for the past two days). If I have the energy to go out, so should everyone else. I want to enjoy myself here and I feel like I've wasted my money on this trip. (Oh, and to add insult to injury, I bowled badly and I lost some money gambling). Seiously, I love going to Vegas, but when I"m with people like these guys snoring away behind me, I never want to come back here again. Fuck, I have to cut this short...I think someone is waking up.
[Edited on Sep 09, 2005 1:04PM]