I'm sorry about the past few entries (and the lack of entries as well). When things tend to not go my way, I'm pretty terrible at not spilling my frustrations into my journal. Needless to say, life has not been easy. I found out that I have to take a certain math class for a third time. The consequences behind that are entirely my fault though. I fucked up, and I fucked up big. I let other letdowns get to my school and I have to work hard at preventing that from happening. I'm trying to look at things in a positive light, but it's difficult to do that sometimes.
In any event, I bought the new Anti-Flag CD, as well as Revolutions Per Minute by Rise Against the other day, and I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with my purchases. Seems that nothing picks up my mood more than good music. Oh, and Kingdom Hearts 2 as well. That game is entirely too addictive and both games are two of the most well designed games out there. It just saddens me that I can't play once school starts as I don't own a TV at school and can't play with my Playstation 2. But in any event, it's things like these that I quickly forget when I'm down on myself. Oftentimes, I'm too focused on my difficulties that I forget what makes me happy and I really have to correct this. I know it's a little late to be doing new years resolutions but dammit, I'm gonna make that resolution now. I just need to be happy again, it's just that simple.
So to let you guys know a little on what's going on with my lame ass right now, I'm just sitting in my room looking at old pictures and I just realized that I just lost an hour of my life. I hate time changes since it requires me to mess with my internal clock, which I absolutely abohr. Anyhow, I was just reminiscing about what happend in the past year since I've been a member of SG for an entire year now. I remember what actually spurned me to purchase an account wasn't the hot, naked chicks, but it was one of those emo moments for which often find myself engrossed in. I remember it was losing a girl I had my eye on to one of my best friends because he misconstrued my intentions with her. Needless to say, all is well now, and (even through the drama) I'm pretty happy that I got my SG account in the first place. I've met a ton of great people, and even though I've lost some people on my friends list because I sometimes dont' spend the time to respond to my friend's journals and don't update my own journal, I still think that you guys are the reason why I renewed my account. And yeah, the hot naked girls are nice too
Well, since it's supposedly almost 4 am now, I should call it a night. But before I go, I found some old pictures from my cousin's wedding dinner from a couple of months ago in my Photobucket. So here they are (or at least some of them) for all of you to enjoy
In any event, I bought the new Anti-Flag CD, as well as Revolutions Per Minute by Rise Against the other day, and I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with my purchases. Seems that nothing picks up my mood more than good music. Oh, and Kingdom Hearts 2 as well. That game is entirely too addictive and both games are two of the most well designed games out there. It just saddens me that I can't play once school starts as I don't own a TV at school and can't play with my Playstation 2. But in any event, it's things like these that I quickly forget when I'm down on myself. Oftentimes, I'm too focused on my difficulties that I forget what makes me happy and I really have to correct this. I know it's a little late to be doing new years resolutions but dammit, I'm gonna make that resolution now. I just need to be happy again, it's just that simple.
So to let you guys know a little on what's going on with my lame ass right now, I'm just sitting in my room looking at old pictures and I just realized that I just lost an hour of my life. I hate time changes since it requires me to mess with my internal clock, which I absolutely abohr. Anyhow, I was just reminiscing about what happend in the past year since I've been a member of SG for an entire year now. I remember what actually spurned me to purchase an account wasn't the hot, naked chicks, but it was one of those emo moments for which often find myself engrossed in. I remember it was losing a girl I had my eye on to one of my best friends because he misconstrued my intentions with her. Needless to say, all is well now, and (even through the drama) I'm pretty happy that I got my SG account in the first place. I've met a ton of great people, and even though I've lost some people on my friends list because I sometimes dont' spend the time to respond to my friend's journals and don't update my own journal, I still think that you guys are the reason why I renewed my account. And yeah, the hot naked girls are nice too

Well, since it's supposedly almost 4 am now, I should call it a night. But before I go, I found some old pictures from my cousin's wedding dinner from a couple of months ago in my Photobucket. So here they are (or at least some of them) for all of you to enjoy
Thank you!
just wanted to thank you for the birthday wishes.