I just lost my roomate today. He decided to switch schools inbetween terms so he's moving back home to go to another university by his house. I'm not sure how I feel about this, especially since he was (in many ways) my only real friend I've made up here in while I'm away from all my other friends. In a city where people are as fake as the tans on thier bodies, I was fortunate enough to have someone that was genuinely caring, intellictual enough so that we would talk about more than Nick and Jessica's divorce, and friendly enogugh such that we got along great (despite him being a conservitave christian, and me bieng the left wing godless-sinner that I am). However, I guess it's a good thing for him and I in the long run since he's getting into a program which allows him to do what he really loves doing, and I get a HUGE room all to myself (including my own bathroom). Seriously, this room is at least the size of my living room at home (14'x9')..and what University student wouldn't kill for their own bathroom (in fact, I'm aware that some of the Dorms at UCSB forces you to share a bathroom with 12-16 people)? And best of all....It's great for friends that want to come over and visit since I have an extra bed leaning up against a wall at the moment . Anywho...I'm out...have some Enzyme Kinetics I have to read up on. Ciao!
aww that sucks dude,

damn you sinner you. hey some peace & quiet is never a bad thing. maybe this way you'll meet new people.