Tuesday Dec 20, 2005 Dec 20, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am updating for no reason other than I'm drunk... Have a good day! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS toothpickmoe: Ah, drunk. Good times. Kong was an interesting film, but way too over-hyped. It's like The Big Lebowski coming out after Fargo. Everyone wants it be just as good and impactful, but it's not because it's different. And that's hard for people to accept I guess... Dec 20, 2005 rosie_baby: yay to being drunk on a monday night. Dec 21, 2005
Kong was an interesting film, but way too over-hyped. It's like The Big Lebowski coming out after Fargo. Everyone wants it be just as good and impactful, but it's not because it's different. And that's hard for people to accept I guess...