I must admit I like being a Virgo with a birthday of 6/9/69 - there must be something about all those numbers.
Here is what I got,
Some Motorbike cufflinks - cool
Anyway, being anal, today in history,
1711 Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg founder of US Lutheran church (apt as our family were Lutheran imigrants)
1888 Joseph P Kennedy financier/diplomat, father of JFK, RFK & Teddy (now that one I didn't know)
1960 Michael Winslow actor/comedian (Police Academy) (alright - all class)
1961 P i Waaktaar rocker (Aha-Take on Me) (drugs and booze make it ok)
1901 Pres William McKinley assassinated by Leon Czologosz in Buffalo, NY (a mountain of a man)
1620 Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth England to the New World (why didn't they get lost)
1913 1st aircraft to loop the loop (Adolphe Pgoud-France) (v.cool)
1966 "Star Trek" premiers on NBC TV