Whales !!
<>No, not Rhondas and Dylans singing in close harmony in the valleys
<>No, not the bikini type (well yes, but that is another story)
We saw a pod of 3 whales from our 10th storey apartment, right on the esplanade. At the same time, we saw a pod of dolphins. I can never remember seeing whales as a kid, so we were just...
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<>No, not Rhondas and Dylans singing in close harmony in the valleys
<>No, not the bikini type (well yes, but that is another story)
We saw a pod of 3 whales from our 10th storey apartment, right on the esplanade. At the same time, we saw a pod of dolphins. I can never remember seeing whales as a kid, so we were just...
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sweet glasses... they suit you too. mine are pink

Toe is still quite sore. Doesn't help that I've bashed it a few times since. I've been so clumsy lately!
Just a quickie (you know you love quickies).
On holidays now - ya!! One week up at Mooloolaba (hope I got the right number of "ohs" in there, preferably Karen O's) - In a unit right on the esplanade, the boys can wizz straight across the street and go boogie boarding (if you do this late in the day, is it boogie nights boarding? depends...
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On holidays now - ya!! One week up at Mooloolaba (hope I got the right number of "ohs" in there, preferably Karen O's) - In a unit right on the esplanade, the boys can wizz straight across the street and go boogie boarding (if you do this late in the day, is it boogie nights boarding? depends...
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aww thankyou so much for the comment on my set!
hehe i never knew my belly button was cool until i started sg....^__~
hehe i never knew my belly button was cool until i started sg....^__~
I don't even know what the public holiday was for!
But would definitely celibrate any of the "days" you suggested ...

But would definitely celibrate any of the "days" you suggested ...
these strange common feelings.....hahaha
how are u doin??
how are u doin??
No.... but we did have the screen paused so it's quite possible the chin was present.

Alexander Smith Park : 75, 77, 77 again, MUSEUM (MU53UM), No Entry, AFG, Excel, Musgrave Park, No Overtaking, No Entry, Push Button For Ticket, Exit, Carpark 2 Blue, Pre-paid tickets
Thanks for the luck!! 

thx for the translation
now... uh... what does all that up there mean?!

- it's been wet
- it's been cold
- it's been windy
Hope it fines up for the weekend - am going to Black Duck Valley with my boys riding on motocross tracks.
I've been doing lots, I just can't remember what?? Adult ADD.
oh, went to "An Inconvienient Truth", the Al Gore global warming movie preview tonight (free tickets from the Gore foundation).
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- it's been cold
- it's been windy
Hope it fines up for the weekend - am going to Black Duck Valley with my boys riding on motocross tracks.
I've been doing lots, I just can't remember what?? Adult ADD.
oh, went to "An Inconvienient Truth", the Al Gore global warming movie preview tonight (free tickets from the Gore foundation).
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hey dude,
if your up for the party you're most welcome to come along and enjoy the fun
love the hoff pic
if your up for the party you're most welcome to come along and enjoy the fun

love the hoff pic

Weird. You'd think they'd offer support for people who need to talk, but um... what schoolkids in Australia are gonna need to talk about it, unless their Mom or Dad was inconveniently working there the day of...?
Wish I'd thought of that
but no.

Tea would be awesome. I've only just started on apple juice. If I can keep that down, I'll be happy!
hahaha but what does it meeeeen though?....tell meeeee!...i realy dont know!
yes, a cross dressing man, dont you boys get it
hugh jackman is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Four wheels good, two wheels bad. At least, in the wet...
That said your GSX-R looks pretty sweet!
That said your GSX-R looks pretty sweet!
Thank you. Noted and very much appreciated
Yeah I dig the temptation to get a little sideways ... love my rear-wheel-drive drifting ... but it can end really badly on a bike! Play safe, my man.

Yeah I dig the temptation to get a little sideways ... love my rear-wheel-drive drifting ... but it can end really badly on a bike! Play safe, my man.
Brissy .... just rained ... ya!!!!
Of course it would, I just spent HOURS last night decanting the grey water from the washing machine to wash my offroad bikes. It rained as I put my road bike onto my new bike trailer for the first time and left it out over night, Mr.Murphy law of leaving stuff out .....
I'm off to QLD Raceway on...
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Of course it would, I just spent HOURS last night decanting the grey water from the washing machine to wash my offroad bikes. It rained as I put my road bike onto my new bike trailer for the first time and left it out over night, Mr.Murphy law of leaving stuff out .....
I'm off to QLD Raceway on...
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hey, thanks for your comment on my set

thats what i said!!! haha
thanx for the support darl
much love coming your way

Monday, monday ... oh, that was yesterday (bugger, I hate it when you unintentially write a pun). I got up with all intentions of going to work yesterday, but just ended up at SG and stuffed around for too long (oh and I had to wait for a sparky).
Work has changed for the worse - I need a cartoon about Micromanagers. "No, I don't...
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Work has changed for the worse - I need a cartoon about Micromanagers. "No, I don't...
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Artist formerly known as WingsOfLead
Yes Tegan is my fav..through & through!
Yes Tegan is my fav..through & through!
New additions to life:
1. girl all moved in
2. motorbike trailer (due to 1., got to love her - more storage space)
Had great day on Sunshine coast over weekend.
Survived the Ekka, just.
1. girl all moved in
2. motorbike trailer (due to 1., got to love her - more storage space)
Had great day on Sunshine coast over weekend.
Survived the Ekka, just.
haha I guess it does now! thanks for the funny comment

Winding up my UK trip today - plenty of shopping, Beatles memorabilia for my girl - some good clothes also. A stack of magazines sit in my bag for the trip home.
My advanced physics training course was wrapped up with a coke and mentos demo (actually LOTS of demos) - doesn't work just rock sometimes. Now I have 2 days of travel to get...
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My advanced physics training course was wrapped up with a coke and mentos demo (actually LOTS of demos) - doesn't work just rock sometimes. Now I have 2 days of travel to get...
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I'll have to look up that song.
By the way, good morning =)
By the way, good morning =)