Still in bed recovering. Ive been doing physical therepy a little. Its weird not being able to move your leg w/out help. Im reading a book but I wish I had a better one to read. Something to change my views or teach me something new. For those of you that didn't see my earlier posts, I was in a bike wreck and I boke my femur with a spiral fracture. They put a metal rod through it and now im just bed riddin healing up. I know im lucky to be alive but I cant help but be a little bitter and angry at the world heh. ummmm Im just bored. Hey... Vote for my friend/roomie pia at deanguitars.com.....click enter to get into the site, then click on the picture on the left almost ll the way down of the girl playin a guitar that says dean girl centerfold 09, go to the second page of girls and she's like the 6th row down, she's got a face shot and blonde hair, it say's her name Pia-Daytona Beach underneath the pic, give her an 11!!!!! The order of girls profiles goes by newest profile, so she keeps gettin pushed back!
She really does deserve to win. I hope she does. Remember when I posted a pic of us for the "White Trash Bash?" alllllrighty well... ill be here. haha. Any advice or interesting things you guys did while you where stuck in bed for weeks oorrr any experience with a broken femur/spiral fracture/metal rod would be nice to hear about. Maybe there is a way I could be more productive online or make money online. idk. Im going to take a nap. Hope everyones day has gone well.
<3 Brett[
Still in bed recovering. Ive been doing physical therepy a little. Its weird not being able to move your leg w/out help. Im reading a book but I wish I had a better one to read. Something to change my views or teach me something new. For those of you that didn't see my earlier posts, I was in a bike wreck and I boke my femur with a spiral fracture. They put a metal rod through it and now im just bed riddin healing up. I know im lucky to be alive but I cant help but be a little bitter and angry at the world heh. ummmm Im just bored. Hey... Vote for my friend/roomie pia at deanguitars.com.....click enter to get into the site, then click on the picture on the left almost ll the way down of the girl playin a guitar that says dean girl centerfold 09, go to the second page of girls and she's like the 6th row down, she's got a face shot and blonde hair, it say's her name Pia-Daytona Beach underneath the pic, give her an 11!!!!! The order of girls profiles goes by newest profile, so she keeps gettin pushed back!

She really does deserve to win. I hope she does. Remember when I posted a pic of us for the "White Trash Bash?" alllllrighty well... ill be here. haha. Any advice or interesting things you guys did while you where stuck in bed for weeks oorrr any experience with a broken femur/spiral fracture/metal rod would be nice to hear about. Maybe there is a way I could be more productive online or make money online. idk. Im going to take a nap. Hope everyones day has gone well.
<3 Brett[
