EWWWWWW! WHY do I always wake up extra early when I have had too much to drink the night before? I still feel drunk. Its gross. I leave for FL August 1st. I cant wait to have an apt with NO roomie. I hate room mates, really I do. We should have spell check on here, I write like a two year old.

EWWWWWW! WHY do I always wake up extra early when I have had too much to drink the night before? I still feel drunk. Its gross. I leave for FL August 1st. I cant wait to have an apt with NO roomie. I hate room mates, really I do. We should have spell check on here, I write like a two year old.

roommates suck! you're gonna love living by yourself! it's the shit...

Thank you for the early morning salute. Congrats on getting out of a roomie situation. I hated having one.