From tarot


I see you're a dog person. What kinds of dogs do you have? I've always had a large dog family, I adore them :)

Well, I will post some photos. Is there a reason why you rescue dogs...maybe an experience...or is it just because you love dogs? I grew up with my first dog. In 1990 my father decided it would be great to raise his youngest son with a shepherd that looked like a black sheep. :) I am so thankful for have had such a loyal friend and brother  for about 15 years on my side! My second dog came from Poland. He was trained by police but in the end was bound on a tree where a german saving station fortunately found him. My little princess came from Hungary. Last summer I adopted her before they would have killed her... A few weeks ago I found a bird with a broken wing and rescued him. Now he is also part of my little family. I love animals. They're so beautiful and innocent...and this is the simple reason why I decided to be the voice of the voiceless and fight animal cruelty and abuse...of course with the help of some organisations here in germany..
That's amazing. You are such a wonderful human, it reallyshouldn't  be so hard to find people willing to stand up for our voiceless friends. I have no particular memory that stands out, I have just always wanted to rescue dogs. I even created a dog rescue group in primary school with a group of girls, we would house and feed stray dogs until we found their owners or people willing to care for them so they wouldn't go to the pound haha. I'm so glad that now days we have microchipping so it's easier to being pets back to their owners! I became more serious about rescuing when I discovered that puppy mills still supply dogs to my local pet stores, one was only just busted in my next town last month. Since then I've felt the need to boycott all pet store purchases!