Well I think I finally got over this stupid cold - still have some coughing and the sinus pressure has gone down to almost zero (I hate sinus pressure might as get a real vice and put my head in it). We had some friends over Friday and my awesome fiance made chicken parm and after dinner we watched 300 (no one had seen it but me and that was back in the theater). It was a solid movie to watch - glad I got a chance to see it before heading to the movies the next day to see... The Spirit. Ok if you have done nothing but read negative reviews about this movie you need to put cotton in your ears and run to the theater to see this one. I absolutely loved this movie. Frank Miller does a bang up job with some great actors and awesome Sin City styled FX. Having Sam Jackson play the villainous Octopus with all the trappings of 1940's pulp comics and several gorgeous women - Eva Mendez, Jamie King, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Paulson, and Paz Vega - make this one of my recent favorites. Not that this takes anything away from the movie but seeing him dressed in full SS Nazi regalia was a site to see (had me cracking up).
See it you won't be sorry...
See it you won't be sorry...
Thanks for the nice comment on Shyla and Dexter's Sugar House set!