First week of new job finished. I have been told that I am doing extremely well and that the girl that is training me is very happy that I came to work there. It has been an interesting week, our office moved buildings and it takes me an hour and forty-five minutes to get to and from work. The office and people I work with are nice, but it's not the kinda work I can see myself doing for long. It's a ridiculous amount of paper work and without going back to school that's all I would end up doing if I got promoted.
Nementh and I will be moving in with Cedar very soon, we will be in with her before December. I don't want to move, but I don't like change so I kinda chalk not wanting to move up to that. I will be glad we did once we have moved (my commute will go down by at least an hour) and I couldn't think of anyone better to move in with then the lovely Cedar.
My sister and her husband are out from Austin for two days. My sister is graduating from Le Cordon Beu Culinary School tomorrow. We are going to the graduation and then to Disneyland. It should be fun.
Sunday I have one of my last shifts at Disneyland, I miss it, but after this week I know I'll be okay with not working there anymore. Sunday is also Nementh's 25th birthday. He's not as big a fan of birthdays as I am. But we are going to go see Nightmare in 3D. You all should join us.
Alright I have been up since 5:30 this morning and then drove for four hours to get from LA to Victorville, so I am crazy, my brain is going dead tired. I see you all later!

Nementh and I will be moving in with Cedar very soon, we will be in with her before December. I don't want to move, but I don't like change so I kinda chalk not wanting to move up to that. I will be glad we did once we have moved (my commute will go down by at least an hour) and I couldn't think of anyone better to move in with then the lovely Cedar.

My sister and her husband are out from Austin for two days. My sister is graduating from Le Cordon Beu Culinary School tomorrow. We are going to the graduation and then to Disneyland. It should be fun.
Sunday I have one of my last shifts at Disneyland, I miss it, but after this week I know I'll be okay with not working there anymore. Sunday is also Nementh's 25th birthday. He's not as big a fan of birthdays as I am. But we are going to go see Nightmare in 3D. You all should join us.
Alright I have been up since 5:30 this morning and then drove for four hours to get from LA to Victorville, so I am crazy, my brain is going dead tired. I see you all later!

sounds like things are going really well for you :o)