well havent done this in awhile, its funny to think i sit here and rant and rav and nobody reads it. i guess we all just need to vent sometimes. Im happy! im happy im happy, gotta just keep telling myself that. i have two gorgeous babies that i would do anything for, i have my own house thats gonna be sold someday soon to buy a much bigger place somewhere else. i wonder where we should go, maybe back to cali. no the boys will not have a good upbringing there, maybe somehwere were i have never been. i cant believe how all your dreams as a kid can be washed down the drain like spoiled milk, i was gonna be big, i wanted to be a model, or actress. Did you know the day of my last modeling class in sand diego i found out i was pregnant? i wonder what could have happened if i never meet dave, bet things would have been a world different, i know i wouldent be here in colorado, id be in hollywood in movies and modeling for gucci or prada. ahhh well i guess trading a life full of money and fame for beautiful babies and a decent living is equal. blah! Bree